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A slut (male or female). A person who, on a hook up chart, is a central person adding numerous other people to the chart.

She's such a hub. She hooked up with 15 guys and added all their connections to the web.

by 128302 January 6, 2012

12πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A hug that involves caressing. It is slightly sexual, something you would not give to your mother.

Dan gave Jessica a hub after the movies one night.

by Jessica and Joe January 7, 2007

21πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


HUB (H.U.B.) is an acronym for "Hot Ugly Boy".

Ugly guy who you know is ugly, but something about him just makes him hot.

Oh, look at that HUB right there. Ugly, but look at his fine ass body.

by ButcherChop July 13, 2011

20πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


someone or a group of people you are very close with that you get most your info from

Guy 1: oh yeah, she’s my hub brotha, she told me they was dating

Guy 2: oh rly? my hub told me they broke up today

by Bibbaa November 25, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a HUB is a hook up buddy that has rules
1. you cant tell anyone
2. you cant tell anyone that you've done it
3. you cant ever like them

norris said: i want to be a hub with SUZZANE

by Call me mike December 9, 2006

28πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

the hubs

A wack ass crew that has souped up fixies just to make their bikes look cool and thinks they're the shit in Fixed Gears. This crew really gives Fixed Gear a bad name. You can find this crew "biking" the RIVER CONTROL of Long Beach. How pathetic is that? If your gonna cruise, bike on a street. Not the damn river. I will be long dead by the time I hear these people go pro and bustin' tricks. This crew is the exact definition of HYPEBEASTS.

Tom: Hey man what did you do yesterday?
Jerry: Uhm... Nothing why?
Tom: I saw you biking on the river control with your "fixie"
Jerry: Oh yeah.. I was with my friends The Hubs, how about you
Tom: Sounds boring, I was bustin' some tricks on the street.
Jerry: Oh that sounds fun. Something I would really like to try, but my crew just bikes the river control.

by Real Fixed Ryder June 29, 2009

16πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

hub hub

A hub hub is a person who chooses to marry in less than 1 week and become now has a WIIFE

Hub hub is happy to see his WIIFE
See hub hub train for other uses

by hubhub1990 June 28, 2018

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