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comfort crowd

A song by Conan Gray also meaning a crowd of people that bring you comfort.

"I just needed company now, I just needed someone around. I don't care what song that we play or mess that we make, just company now,
comfort crowd."

by chimwho October 9, 2019

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crowd surfing

When you are at a rock concert in a tight audience and the people around you lift you up onto the heads of the crowd around you. Then either all the people holding you up slowly pass you around or they all at once throw you to another section of the crowd. Usually the ride ends with security pulling you down and then you have to go to the back of the crowd and work your way back up to where you started from. Or the people you are passed to do not know you are coming and end up dropping you. The feeling when you are crowd surfing is as if you are simply floating up there. Even though there are about 10 hands touching your legs, ass, back, and sometimes head.

The crowd surfing was so cool, until i got dropped on my head.

by Nest November 17, 2005

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We Are The In Crowd

This foursome pop/rock band from Poughkeepsie, New York is made up of Tay Jardine (vocals), Jordan Eckes (guitar/vocals), Mike Ferri (bass), Rob Chianelli (drums) and Cameron Hurley (guitar). The band formed in 2009 and a year later were signed to Hopeless Records. Their 7 song debut EP, Guaranteed to Disagree, will be available June 8th.

1) I have to watch We Are The In Crowd play on the Skullcandy stage at Warped Tour!

2) We Are The In Crowd's new single 'Lights Out' is now available on iTunes!

by Concertgal April 26, 2010

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Biased crowd

A phrase used exclusively on r/DotA2 and Twitch by DOTA 2 community to describe the tournament atmosphere when home crowd cheers for home team.

*Home team playing in USA and makes a play*

r/DotA2: That's my boy!

*Home team playing in China and make a play*

Crowd: LGD! LGD! LGD! *Hold Chinese Flags*
r/DotA2: Holy sh!t! Look at how biased the crowd is. F*ck this nationalism.
Twitch: Biased crowd LUL

by itsdefinitelynotmyrealname November 3, 2019

crowd salmon

When a group of people are all moving in one direction, like into a bar or concert, the one or two people who are moving in the opposite direction of the crowd bumping into everyone and getting in the way, like a salmon swimming upstream.

example 1:
"this guy just bumped into me and made me spill my beer, what a fucking crowd salmon"

example 2:

person 1 "whats this guys problem, hes getting in everyones way"

person 2 "hes a god damn crowd salmon, he loves it"

by coolguy406 June 7, 2010

tough crowd

what someone would say after telling a joke or other humorous anecdote, and then getting deadpan looks and no verbal acknowledgement from the people listening.

"Yeah, so I heard Dave got a pet cat, oh well, probably the closest thing to pussy he'll ever have in his place, huh guys? hahaha!"

(silence and blank stares from everyone)

"Geez...! Tough crowd, man....tough crowd!!"

by TheMocker November 1, 2004

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V; A form of crowd surfing, except instead of being passed around by the audience on your back, you try to walk around above the crowd, stepping either on peoples heads, shoulders, or on out-stretched hands from fellow moshers. As a bonus, you can try to walk right up to the stage, step over the security, get on stage, run to a different section, and Crowd Step all the way back to where you were. Very difficult, yet SERIOUSLY FUN. Practice makes perfect.

"I am going to go Crowd-Stepping at the SkitSystem concert."

by Mosh_Pit_Warrior_650 September 7, 2008