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Incredibles 2

The sequel that people have been waiting for 14 years and unfortunately got a PG rating.

I will push out all the kids when I see Incredibles 2.

by Nadiacloud May 31, 2018

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Incredible Halk

The alternative alias for the famously promiscuous music star, Hollywood Halk.

Girl 1: I had sex with The Incredible Halk last night.
Girl 2: The green guy?
Girl 1: No no no, the one who's last name is spelled with an "a."
Girl 2: Not with a "u?"
Girl 1: Correct. Except he actually was with me all last night.
Girl 2: Nice pun! High five!
Hollywood Halk: I'm gonna' slam both of you in the anuses if you call me The Incredible Halk again.
Both Girls: Sorry, Incredible Halk.

*Hollywood Halk unveils his bath robe*

by Hollywood Halk August 10, 2008

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incredibly hot

Misha Collins

Person 1: Omg he's incredibly hot
Person 2: Damn son where'd you clock that one?
Person 1: Could he be any hotter?
Person 2: He could be Misha Collins
Person 1: Touche

by castiels farts May 16, 2014

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Incredible Journey

Verb. The act of a corporation, organization, or general entity ending support for a public service, platform, or product, most closely associated with technology and internet services. The phrase alludes to the generic corporate doublespeak businesses will oftentimes use when describing their platform or product in an announcement of its imminent demise, to paint it as an undisputed success that benefited the lives of everyone involved, that inexplicably needs to cease to exist a week from now for no particular reason.

Also written as "Incredibly Journeyed/Journey'd" for past tense, and "Incredible Journeying" for present tense.

"Since we launched our compulsory social media livestream environment three years ago and forced you all to migrate and consolidate your accounts to keep using the services you actually care about, we have hosted a countless number of unforgettable experiences between our loyal users, and we are eternally grateful for the connections and memories that have been created on this platform."
"Ah, shit, I'm only one sentence into this announcement post, and I can already tell they're about to Incredible Journey this site."

by notactuallyburnieburns April 15, 2022

yellow incredible

a type of ecstasy pill

Yea that rave was chill...I took 3 yellow incredibles

by tyrhrs March 24, 2007

Incredible Villains

1.) The sophomore album title by rock band N.A.S.H. released wordwide under Heavy Metal Records

2.)The fan club for the rock band N. A. S. H.

The greatest fanbase in the world are the incredible villains of the band N. A. S. H.

**Mic drop**

by Jimbobbi October 22, 2018

the incredible hulk

slang for really good marijuana. used because both are green and fuck you up.

"i have a meeting with the incredible hulk later"

by Chyea chyea chyea May 11, 2007

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