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A cesspool of normies and basic bitches. Overflown with starbucks and month-old memes

Instagram is for normies

by NoobusMaximus June 9, 2019


Social media app developed by Burbn, inc. In 2010. Famous for its photo based posts.

Guy #1 :Yo, can you give me a shout out on instagram?
Guy #2 :Sure bro. (posts) "Follow my boy @loudenakin , you won't regret it!"

by OGdogbone July 7, 2016


The app that will fill you mind with the dumbest things, cause the most drama, but will also save you're life in the best of ways.

Dude, have you seen what (random kid) posted on Instagram? It's amazing!

O.M.G! Have you seen what (another person's name) posted on Instagram? I can't believe it!

by cara.nicole November 14, 2018


A whore hole of a social media. I mean Cardi-B is there. It's full of 9yr olds who are spastic and live stream 24/7. Most of the posts on there are by show off's and the 9yr olds have tin cans for phones.

Me:*Looks at instagram*
Friend:Why do you have that whore hole on your phone?
Me:oh im studying it

by imloney August 10, 2019


A way to take a bad selfie , put a filter on it to make it look good

This selfie is horrible I need to go to Instagram and add a filter

by Southerngirl2234 October 27, 2017


A catfishing app, for young males to jerk off to ‘insta thots’. No one really know why it exist or why we all have it but we do.

Wow did you see that naked thot on Instagram?

by FreeMelly March 29, 2019


A social media App that can’t get their shit together and progressively gets worst over the years with updates that seem to not work at all and doesn’t help the main problem plus the app gets very normie over the years ruining meme accounts, business accounts and regular accounts by their bots detection and their bullshit guidelines that just ruin the whole app making it more shit when it’s already is.

Definition: instagram a social media app widely use globally.
Random dude: *post a lake and forest
Instagram: *see’s post and reports for violence and nudity

Random dude: *see post being reported and gets warning

Random dude: Instagram is fucking shit

*deletes app

by slayer_of_dank July 10, 2021