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Invader Zim

When Nickelodeon missed it's chance for a good show.

There will never be a show as good as Invader Zim.

Invader Zim defined my childhood!

by Ghgufdjrwbvgygu November 15, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Invader Zim

the most overrated, and stupidest show ever. everyone loves it for seemingly no reason. Believe me, I watched the show when it first aired, and I thought it was OK, but then, six years later, it seemed like every other person liked it for no reason other than the fact that it was random or the assumption that Gir was "Funny".

Overall, I believe that shows that think that being random is funny should not be allowed to air. But this is just my opinion.

"I'M GONNA SING DA DOOM SONG NAO." Isn't funny at all unless you have the intelligence of less than an eight year old. But I must admit that it was the end of good shows for Nickolodean.

Most people who love it are random, annoying 12-19 year olds who say things like: "OMG! Invader zim is da bestest show evar cuz gir likes pancakessss!!!"

by Twitchy Birdie May 27, 2009

80๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž

Invader Zim

A a short lived boring show heralded by hot topic goths everywhere as Nickelodeons "last hope" or the last great Nick show. Invader Zim is more of an icon for it's ironic fanaticism by hot topic goths buying up the merchandise more than they ever watched the show. Invader Zim wasn't cutting edge or had any real unique factors despite what it's fanbase says.

They blame Sponge Bob for it's demise, not realizing that Sponge Bob was a success even 2 years before Invader Zim aired, and the fact that many other Nicktoons survived the reign of Sponge Bob such as Chalk Zone, Jenny Teenage Robot, Fairly Odd Parents(which is actually the reason Invader Zim failed) and Jimmy Neutron, all shows that had good long runs.

Sponge Bob was actually Nick's last savior since they could probably run Sponge Bob all day and still bring in higher ratings than their whole current lineup.

Invader Zim is more popular for it's ironic consumerism by "non-conformist" goth kids, rather than the viwership its self.

by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI January 25, 2011

31๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

Invader Zim

Invader Zim is a show about a fun-sized alien named Zim, who is sent from his home planet to enslave the human race, but is terrible at it. Nick cancelled it for too much comic violence in 2001 (re: stealing the organs of children, so putting "violence" in the equation was an understatement), but it wasn't until after the cancellation that asshats decided to like it because Hot Topic pasted GIR's face onto everything (subliminal messaging, kids.) In reality, the show is a can full of schizophrenia and fecophiliac-friendly jokes, and actually shows no real material that would pertain to children outside of a loony bin, and, in all due respect, should have either been sent to Adult Swim where it could thrive without prosecution or eradicated like the demon bitch of a show it was. A quote from this beloved TV show: "Why does everything taste like pig intestines?"

Jhonen Vasquez, creator of the show, also made Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, which is about a schizophrenic impulsive murder who attacks random people (usually assholes) without any real warning other than the fact that he's fucking batshit insane and thinks that a Little Shop of Horrors-esque monster lives in the walls of his house. Let that sink in for a while.

IZ Fan (based on Hot Topic sales): LIKE, OH MY GOD, I LOVE Invader Zim! Gir is so cute! DOOOOOOM! DOOOOOTIES! OTHER UNFUNNY TOPIC RELATING TO SHIT!

Less than 1% of the population that sees Invader Zim for the insanely fucked-up shit factory it is: Dude, this is real shit. Whatever the fuck happened to actual genius, like Courage the Cowardly Dog?

by touchy eelly April 1, 2010

33๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

Invader Zim

A cartoon show that ran on Nickelodeon for three seasons or so. It depicted the life of a disturbed, xenophiliac young man named Dib who was obsessed with cutting up a green, screaming alien and having sex with every one of its slimy alien organs. The show spawned millions of annoying 13-year-old girls and boys who suddenly thought the words "moose" and "taquitos" were "teh FUNNAY LOLOLOLOLOL" and began firing quotes from every one of their orifices (like delicious diarrhea) at will whenever the name "GIR" was brought up. Soon afterwards, since Nick found it impossible to fap to creepy and ugly children who had fantasies about little green men from the stars any longer, Nick pulled the plug on Zim, thus releasing Jhonen Vasquez from captivity to be free to whine and whine about the many fans who SUPPLY HIM WITH HIS MONEYS, allowing him to purchase all the double-ended strap-on harnesses his little heart desires.

Girl from Hot Topic: My god, Invader Zim was the greatest show in the entire world!

Sane Person: I beg to differ. I believe Zim sucked vastly.

Girl: OMG how dare you your opinion is not allowed you are closeminded lol^_^

Sane Person: NO U

by A fan of Invader Zim <3 October 9, 2006

66๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž

Invader Zim

When an innocent young Italian lad face fucks a predator

Yo did you invader zim her?

Yeah she won't be able to taste shit for a month!

by brolife4ever March 7, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

invader zim

an animated tv show created by jhonen vasquez in 2001. the show aired on nickelodeon for about a year, and was then cancelled. due to the show's popularity with the older nick-viewing audience, thousands of people petitioned online to have the show remain on the air, but their efforts failed. they then took matters into their own hands, recording all 38 episodes of the show, putting them in AVI and MPEG video formats, and uploading them to the internet for anyone to get their hands on. the show continued to air for about another year, and was eventually taken off.
the show is about an alien from the planet irk named zim. at the beginning of the series, irk had begun "operation impending doom II", a mission to conquer every planet in the universe. zim was an irken who wished to participate, and was reluctantly allowed to do so by the almighty tallest, the leaders of irk. zim has a robotic servant named GIR, and zim's archnemesis is dib, a boy who knows the identity of zim but is ridiculed by his peers.

invader zim owns all other nick shows.

by d-shadow January 15, 2004

1336๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž