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a country that was once great and has been twisted by their fundamentalist leaders. america will not invade iran. the government of iran is americas enemy, not the people.

iran is located in the middle east, and was once a more western, free country.

by yankee May 4, 2005

1845πŸ‘ 552πŸ‘Ž


On behalf of all Americans I wish to apologize for the 1953 coup d'Γ©tat of Mohammad Mossadeq and replacing his fairly elected administration with the hated Shah that ruled with an iron fist because Mossadeq simply nationalized his nation's oil.

If the 1953 Iran coup never happened, Iran wouldn't be a mess.

by david smith, jr. May 11, 2008

481πŸ‘ 144πŸ‘Ž


A used to be peaceful country.
If you research deep iranian,american,and iraqi history, you would find out that the bush senior supported and persuaded saddam to attack iran, a YEAR before the gulf war. What the Hell is going on hear?

America The beautiful and great--
but ran by dumbasses who cant keep this great country in good health

by Sex Maniac September 1, 2004

555πŸ‘ 226πŸ‘Ž


Once a prosporos land and home of the earliest Aryan tribes who later migrated to europe. Has been a hot bed for math, science, astronomy, architecture, philosopy, poetery, medicine and business as long as the Greeks. In-fact, Greeks and Persians shared wealth, territories and army's.

Currently ruled by a puppet regime and a scapegoat for America's huge deficit and loses on the oil market due to the sorry state of the U.S. dollar.
Iran is the second largest exporter of oil in the world and thus has a huge impact on the world market and the U.S. economy.

Iran means 'land of the Aryans' in its ancient indo european language.

by Hurrley May 3, 2006

180πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


Once a prosporos land and home of the earliest Aryan tribes who later migrated to europe. Has been a hot bed for math, science, astronomy, architecture, philosopy, poetery, medicine and business as long as the Greeks. In-fact, Greeks and Persians shared wealth, territories and army's.

Currently ruled by a puppet regime and a scapegoat for America's huge deficit and loses on the oil market due to the sorry state of the U.S. dollar.
Iran is the second largest exporter of oil in the world and thus has a huge impact on the world market and the U.S. economy.

Iran means 'land of the Aryans' in its ancient indo european language.

by Hurrley May 3, 2006

86πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


"Number one exporter of terrorists beside Pakistan."

First of all, just based on English, a country can't "export" people, namely terrorists. A country can deport people, or outsource people, but not "export" since that word describes shipping ITEMS. That being said...

Lol. ABSOLUTELY WRONG. I would like anyone, anyone at all, name an Iranian person who directly carried out a terrorist attack? Hmm...either the response would "I don't know any" or "Yeah, that blah blah Arab guy"...of course forgetting that IRANIANS ARE NOT ARAB!!!!!!!!! Also, it's surprising, that despite 9/11th, the person doesn't seem to mention Saudi Arabians, which constituted a majority of the hijackers. Hmm...Maybe that's because the Bush Administration, who basically grovel at the royal Saudis feet (look at the gas prices if you need proof ;)), have completely misinformed the stupid that Saudis are friends and that Iran is the enemy. This is laughable because the Saudis have a monarchy (which Americans ironically fought against in the Revolutionary War, remember?), compared to Iran, which has a semi-representative government. Of course, the big difference hinges the fact that Iran doesn’t supply oil to the U.S, whereas Saudi Arabia does. So, if you want to be a Saudi puppet like the president, then by all means support the quote.

Furthermore, just as a little known fact, Iran has captured the most Al-Qaeida agents than any other country in the world, even including the US :D. Take that sucka. So perhaps, the U.S. people when they vote for someone who is tough on terrorism and gets the job done, should elect Iranian government officials instead of people like Bush...just as a thought.

"Iran is one of the biggest exporter of oil and gas but they say they need atomic energy! Isn’t it funny?"

What a bunch of croc. Iran, despite being a huge exporter of oil, has an inadequate refining capacity and huge amount of oil demand internally. This is due to the country's energy needs, both automotive and industrial, growing at an alarming rate. Therefore, in order to export as much oil as possible, these internal needs can't be siphoned off to Iranians with huge subsides. How? Through plans initiated by the government which will head initiatives for automobiles to run on compressed natural gas, which is less in-demand than oil, and yes, by using nuclear power to generate electricity. Make sense? And while the cost of internally supplying nuclear fuel is huge and not economical, Iranians has learned all to well that foreigners can't be trusted in sensitive matters, such as the oil nationalization crisis in 1953, which brought in the repressive Shah. So, if for example, Iran decides to receive foreign nuclear fuel and not produce it, and then the foreign nuclear fuel abruptly stops being delivered. That would mean a huge part of the power grid would go out permanently until Iran could find another way to supply electricity. That could take an order of a year to do, which would not be good for any country. Still makes sense? Add to the fact that oil WILL eventually run out, the nuclear option is tantalizing.

Notice that this doesn't disprove that Iran may want nuclear arms as well, merely that generating nuclear power is a wise decision and good on it's own.

How my definition of Iran is far better than the one I quoted simply because I ACTUALLY KNOW SOMETHING!!!! In other words, be smart an don't do drugs :)!

by cyrus III September 3, 2005

554πŸ‘ 352πŸ‘Ž


when you imagine a country is so mess and traveling there may endanger your life. But you risk traveling and see completely different and safe country.

john: i don't dare going to that country. it is said that i may lose my life.
Sarah:oh don't iranize about that peaceful country.

by Abolfazl.Ahmadi June 14, 2017

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž