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Jail bait tango

When a girl acts seductivly with a man for some time and then calls the cops on him for trying to rape her.

"Damn I didn't realize she was about to jail bait tango me until it happened."
"Don't worry my dude, it will all be good at the end."

by Gutlesstexas April 11, 2018

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Still Looking Jail Bait 28

The thematic title to a particular person(s) 28th Birthday Party. Similar to when an individual reaches the age of 30, that occasion being dubbed "Dirty 30", this is for those individuals celebrating their 28th birthday, ESPECIALLY should they possess the character and aesthetics as a late-teen or early-twenty-something.

Hey dude, I heard it's your birthday.


How old are you now?


Nooo waaay, it's your Still Looking Jail Bait 28.


Two mores years to the Dirty 30.

Yeaah (Le sad).

by Leo Pindar October 27, 2011

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Jail bait


β€œWhat’s jail bait?” β€œMaci”

by Egorl January 15, 2022

Jail bait


β€œMaci is legit jail bait”

by Egorl January 15, 2022