Source Code

Jamie :)

Fucking beautiful. Amazing. Being extremely good in bed.

That girl is so Jamie.

by julia January 9, 2005

359👍 139👎


To kill, murder and mutilate a joke in a creepy stalker kind of way.

Jake is telling the group a joke he heard at the weekend when our fearless hero decides to but in with his own take on the joke. what follows is truly disturbing and will cause people to vomit on their own shoes. the group (and their vomit covered shoes) just got jamied.

by Goldenboy8678 April 29, 2013

9👍 1👎


If you meet a Jamie keep her by your side, Jamie’s have very bubbly and bright personality’s. Jamie’s tend to be very artistic and love to draw. They tend to be dark haired with beautiful eyes. Jamie is very beautiful, but she likes to focus on her nagitive features. Jamie May seem shy at first but once you get to know her you will love her, kinda socially awkward. Jamie also loves to give compliments. There is nothing not to love about Jamie’s.

Jamie’s friend: I’m ugly

Jamie: no




Jamie’s friend: ok you win.

by Random1_person2 April 15, 2019

17👍 3👎


i: Boy or girl's name.
ii: Anything from tallest to shortest, skinniest to largest, just a person.
iii: Those with the name Jamie tend to be kind people who enjoy music. They're great with making friends and usually have dark hair. Some are very attractive. They can be quiet at times but, given the chance to party... they will... Some have dry senses of humor and can be confused easily... that's part of the humor... Jamies usually have a crooked smile. Many like to dance and just have a good time. Male Jamies are totally and utterly attractive and absolutely love to "unleash the hound" and just dance it out till the sun comes up... and, if you're a Jamie and reading this, you lucky dog... :D Female Jamies are fun to be around and can be slightly tone-deaf... but all's good because they make up for it in attitude.

Guy: Oh look, it's my girlfriend, Jamie.

Girl: Oh wow, Jamie is too hot for his own good.

Person: Jamie grew like, a foot this past month. He's so friggen tall!

Person: Wow, I was standing behind Jamie on the dance floor and I was worried he was gonna crush me in his rampant path of insane dance moves!

by SFC_JFMBLOVE August 9, 2009

2561👍 1132👎


A nice and loving boy who has a fetish for tall girls

Nader: Jamie whos that girl you linked last night?
Jamie: I can’t remember her name just that I came in her hair
Nader: isn’t it the same as ur dogs name?
Jamie: ah yes. Ottie

by leddhevxe December 30, 2019

15👍 3👎


A Great Wonderful amazing person who takes care of those she loves and doesn't let anyone push her around. Has a big heart and a beautiful smile. A family person who loves imaginary agriculture, but needs to work on her growing skills. She has a great sense of Humor and knows how to cheer someone up when they are down. Often uses phrases like "Shazzam" and causes laughing fits even when she isn't trying to.

Billy-Bob: I talked to the most amazing person in the world last night.

Frank: Dude you talked to Jamie?? LUCKY!!!!

by E to Th E:] March 4, 2010

880👍 404👎


A very lovely boy, who is perfect in all ways. very loyal to his family and friends and would do anything to protect them. Very handsome and brave. wonderful company and has a great laugh. Loves to make people laugh too. eyes which melt your heart

Natelie: Who is that lovely boy
Winda: That's to new boy Jamie - he's marvelous completely stunning and he's a nice person too

by smileplease June 2, 2010

164👍 69👎