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If you have a Jasper in you're life than you're good to go! he's the type of person who cares for everybody. It may seem like he isn't listening to you, but he is! Most Jaspers like to play video games!

person 1: have you seen that new kid Jasper??

person 2: uh yeah! he's so cool!! and smart

by Mindless Wonder December 6, 2019

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A bitch that steals ur sandwiches with his fat ass arms

God jasper is annoying he stole my GOD DAMN SANDWICH.

by Yummy yummy eat dat tummy September 27, 2020

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Jasper's act cool and immature put are truly sweethearts A lot of people don't like Jaspers but don't judge a book by its cover.

Ugh It's Jasper
-Hey don't be so mean just get to know him

by Friend to all August 31, 2018

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a jasper is a crazy ass person who doesn't know when to stop talking and always screams at people. He has a small dick
and he's hella weird. He's always high on crack.


by TheNamesPerson123 March 26, 2019

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A name used to describe a hopeless lover.

Yo man you need to grow some balls and stop being a Jasper!

by Kassanu October 23, 2006

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A really hot guy with a huge... personality and something else

A huge heart full of love

He's also way cooler than Nico

Holy shit is that jasper?

by jesuslover3000000000 April 20, 2023


really cute boy with joker hair who is a catkin and also a furry and draws really well, knows how to cook spaghetti

"jasper says we live in a society"

by t-rizzlepizzle November 1, 2019

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