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THE ultimate swooper. Don't let him near your girl, because he will take her and your future girl.

Guy: My girl left me :'(
Friend: What happened?
Guy: Jesse

by mkevinez October 10, 2011

36๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jesse. Jesse is that particular guy that will make you feel loved like now one else if he doesn't he will make sure that it doesn't last thing if you have a friend named Jesse he is worth keeping Jesse wont do anything but amaze you if you are a girl he is most definitely worth getting with but yet he doesn't like you because of your looks he likes you for your personality and if you are lucky enough to get with him you can tell him anything he gets imbarrassed easily yet he would do anything for a friend or girlfriend but if you are so lucky to have a Jesse he is worth getting with or trying to if anyone does get with him he will uplift you spirit's make you feel like you are better because if he got with you it was for. A reason

Jesse is a guy that will make you laugh on even the harshest days

by Understanding transgender pers June 20, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jesse(usually a boy) is one of the most uniquely person you will ever know. He is smart, funny, sweet, and is shy at first. But once a Jesse has become one of your greatest friends, you're life will never be the same. He's loyal to a friend no matter what. He will only mention you to other friends when you're not around though. But he truly cares about you, just doesn't want to admit it. If you have a Jesse in your life, make sure he stays in your life. Because you will regret it once he leaves.

Julia: Look! It's Jesse!
Amber: Where?! I need to hug him!

by fathismath January 20, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


By far the coolest name ever known to man. To this day, this name conquers all others, especially the name steve. If you were born with the name Jesse, you are in line for a lifetime of riches, women, and fame. Not to mention you are a SEX god. All women want to be with you to experience your incredible sex

Wow look how awesome Jesse is, he would not be awesome if his name was Steve.

by the one117733 October 23, 2009

296๐Ÿ‘ 152๐Ÿ‘Ž


A deep romantic with astonishingly beautiful eyes, a man named Jesse will be a wonderfully caring individual who tends to put others needs above his own.

I love you, Jesse.

by your lovely wife February 2, 2010

462๐Ÿ‘ 252๐Ÿ‘Ž


Litteral Meaning- God exists.

Anyone named Jesse will never die a virgin. '

A very manly man.

DUDE! Jesse is an amazing person!

by JesseJJJ November 30, 2007

3968๐Ÿ‘ 2335๐Ÿ‘Ž


Name given at birth to children who are special. Be it that they like to play with boats in their front yard, or maybe they like to travel across the country....a boy with this name is never one of the crowd.

No! Go for it girl! He's a Jesse.

by Vanessa McHatin November 7, 2010

68๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž