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Also known as Julianna . The legend says that a special kind of woman gets chosen to carry this name. There are chosen because there are known as Goddess. She is beyond beautiful with a flawless body that carries a unique β€œbubble butt” , perfect smile and captivating sparkling green/yellow eyes that once you look at her you will get lost on her gaze forever. She is a loving and caring woman that if she falls in love with you she will treat you like a King. A Loyal species that will only have eyes for you. A Warrior that will put her family first no matter how hard or tough life gets. One of a kind woman with an amazing sex appeal , They have the Tallia Portuguese bloodline which make her the most desirable woman on Earth. She is Classy woman on the streets yet a sexual beast on the bed. If you ever meet a Julianna, you are not dreaming, you are just a lucky bastard and must do whatever it takes to dont let her go.

Julianna is the most amazing girl .

by Fredo Fredo December 6, 2018

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


One of the most sexiest names ever to be even heard of. She makes men fall to the floor with one look.


by Faline18 August 25, 2008

373πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž


1. A person that is a Legend of Zelda addict

2. Someone that is infinitely selfless and is loved by everyone

3. A person that is very kind and very fun to be around

1. "Do you see that chick with all that zelda stuff?"

"Yeah, she is such a Juliann."

2. "That girl Juliann is so amazing, I want to be just like her!"

3. "Dude, I met Juliann today. Best person you will ever meet."

by iamdavid1234 July 24, 2011

94πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


being high off life and saying things without thinking because of it

She was talking to him and all of a sudden he went all julianne on her new haircut.

by elephantas December 10, 2007

179πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž


tall, gorgeous girl who loves her friend Katy. Someone who dosen't really realize that they're pretty but everyone else is hella jealous

hey, ive never noticed that girl before. whoa, she is soo julianne. efffing hoe, shes gonna take all the good guys.

by katybobatyfififofaty June 12, 2008

319πŸ‘ 191πŸ‘Ž


she's that one awkward lad but super fucking c00l, like yes bitch !!!!!!! she's moderately smart, like yeah she can do shit but like sometimes, she's the dumbest person in the world. she can be really anti-social when you first meet her so you should start the conversation cause you will not regret meeting her. don't trust what people say about her, if it's negative, you should try to know her better. sometimes, she can have really bad mood swings but don't take it to heart, just give her time and she's good. she has a lot of creativity. she's cutish pretty, inbetween. she can also be that fucktwad that will make your life literal chaos in a split second by the weirdest yet most effective-iest way ever, like put fucking avocado in your water, or take all your school items in your bag and fill them with pineapples. shes that bitch

look at julianne!!! she's that cool fuckwad who literally does that wiggly squidward dance when she's in an awkward situation

by that elmo screaming with fire July 8, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


an ugly bitch who thinks she's the shit but really no one likes her and she actually belongs in the wild because she be looking like some sloth like unknown species

boy: what's that thing standing over there it looks like an unknown species?

other boy: oh that's just julianne

by anonymous250978 April 4, 2017

6πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž