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Anything whether it is considered right or wrong.

Neo-Nazi: The Holocaust wasn't real, I swear!!!
Liberal: Denying a war crime isn't justified by the law, you fool!

by Karma will get you! April 3, 2022

justified bitchdom

Behavior typically considered bitchy but in a context where it is totally justified.

I realize I was super blunt but I was engaging in justified bitchdom.

by JLZ-WRD October 28, 2021


A person that justifies an action. Typically used when someone is losing an argument and can't refute the others claims with facts or logic.

Person 1: Explains their point of view
Person 2: Your just a fucking justifier

by Imquackers July 15, 2018


A justifier must have an ass. A Justifier is peng and acts like cardi b or Nicki mniga. A justifier is very picky when it comes to boys if you have a Justifier in your life. Life is lit for you. A Justifier may be boring but can be funny as well. Justifier's are good at pranks and exposing and acting. A Justifier can act like a bitch at times and may act like a hyprocite. A justifier must have a loud voice and great at starting beef. When it comes to beefing Justifier's are great they stand up for every one. A justifier must be curvy and have big things but justifier's don't brag about it or show off they are just simple.

A Justifier is a raw big batty nigga

by B to the A to the N to the G January 11, 2019


Justifier is those niggas or bitches that don't show off and just stay put. A justifier must have an ass or big tits or be curvy . Most justifiers are girls they are normally peng but during puberty they become a bit spotty and don't have clear skin so they become a bit ugly. Justifier will look a bit peng but if they but make up they look stunning. If you have a justifier you are blessed.

Justifier is great at defending her friends and herself. Justifier acts like celebrity. Justifier is very loud and is popular but doesn't hang with the popular people

A justifier is a motherfucking good defender for her friends

by B to the A to the N to the G January 13, 2019


Justifier is a girl who doesn’t go along with bullshit. She can be violent real quick. She is caring but if mess her once the second she beat your ass and justify. Justifiers have nice asses and whine real good and justifiers are really dirty-minded. PERIODT! boys if you have a justifier take care of her or your mandem will get her.

Justifier can be nice and rude.

by B to the A to the N to the G September 18, 2019

Justifiable cuntness

When a 3rd party can justify your cunt like actions.

"I've seen you be a cunt to others." "Did they deserve it?" "Yep" "justifiable cuntness. Doesn't count."

by Patty D May 29, 2022