Source Code

Kenma kinnie

A who loves/likes the haikyuu character Kenma

Kenma is my favorite character I'm a Kenma kinnie

by I fucking love Kenma January 14, 2021

7👍 51👎

Kenma Protection Organization

Kenma Protection Organization, or KPO, is an organization put together by fans of Haikyuu and eternal happiness as a way to protect the beautiful, shy, sleepy bean of a boyo Kenma Kozume. KPO was made back in the literal creation of the universe itself by gods to savor the happiness and safety of Kenma.

The Kenma Protection Organization encourages the squishing of soft baby Kenma’s little cheeks.

by ILoveKenma October 25, 2020

Kenma’s left pinky toe

That’s it rich kenma’s left pinky toe.

Yummy! Kenma’s left pinky toe

by Killer birb September 18, 2020


kenma._.kozume05 is an incredible person, very funny and nice.

Attractive too :)

kenma._.kozume05 makes me laugh and I love them <33

by Rat. Teeth May 28, 2021

Kenma Kozume

A gamer, volleyball player, and kinda looks like a cat for some reason.

Kenma Kozume is my husband

by HabataItara December 8, 2021

kenma syndrome

no brain only kenma

Person: are you ok?
____: no, i have kenma syndrome

by kenma's gremlin <3 March 21, 2022


Something only rana can have

Kenma!Oh that’s Ranas boy

by Kodzukenra January 11, 2023