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the worst genre of music alongside cardi b. the fan base consists solely of 13 year old girls who will fight you to the end if you dare insult their favorite idols

bts is the worst kpop group i've ever listened to

by apice April 25, 2020

15πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


A gay cult. The members aren't allowed to have social lives and they all have circle jerks each week. A special blowjob day is also done every two weeks. They enchant retarded 12 year olds with their availability. They are a cult and should not be trusted.

Retard: I listen to kpop
Me: run faggot run, I'm gonna fucken kill you

by Nik ger hater June 9, 2019

13πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Kpop makes me happy the idols are crackheads but very beautiful. DONT CALL THEM CHING CHONGS THAT FREAKIN RACIST. The kpop idols are like 5 year old but sound like angels when they sing

It took me a while to get you into kpop

by that one kpop friend. February 5, 2021

7πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A bunch of retarded asian boys dressing up and putting on 18 layers of makeup and dancing really bad to appeal to a bunch of faggot middle schoolers

Kpop fans:
Mostly Middle Schoolers
Thinks Jimin is the most hot thing in the world but he is kinda ugly and sounds like shit
Over protective over there favorite kpop artists
Curses you out if you dont like bts

Me: What kind of music do you like?
Person: Kpop! jimin is Sooooooo hot!!! RIGHT??
Me: i hate kpop and jimin doesnt look that great
Person: nigga imma kill you

by Korean Pop April 22, 2019

13πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Short for Korean pop music. Here's a list of what Kpop really is.

1. Heavily influenced by American music. 99% of the Kpop songs have at least a few lines of American English lyrics. Sometimes they fail at English so some lyrics don't make sense at all.

2. Most Korean males who listen to Kpop (such as girls' generation) listen to them because of hot/cute girls in the group.

3. It is surprisingly common that Korean males collect pictures and posters of those cute girls in one of the Kpop groups Girls' Generation and mostly each of them has 'favorites'.

4. Most Kpop songs are shitty and unoriginal but that's not why people listen to them. It's about those hot dancers and girls in those groups.

When I went to the Korean Army, I could see posters and pictures of girls in Girls' Generation and other groups everywhere. yeeee kpop!

by some1whoknowsstuff April 28, 2012

138πŸ‘ 320πŸ‘Ž


Too overrated

Kpop is so overrated

by Thevoiceofthevoiceless May 28, 2018

16πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


A strangely addictive music cult. Kpop is not just one genre it is actually many. For example:
- Electronic
- Dance
- sad, Happy, uplifting, inspiring, cute, sexy, cool, instrumenal etc.
Also don’t pretend pop doesn’t have a weird side either...

Most people would say: β€˜Kpop is weird ewww why do you even like those chinese people??’
I and many other people say: β€˜ kpop Korean pop is amazing and it has helped so many people overcome many challenges they face in life. If you don’t like Kpop, keep it to yourself.’

by Person....... August 20, 2019

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž