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The name Lampe is very North German. In Old French, it is an occupational name for someone who cast metal lamps and candlesticks. In Slovenian it is a nickname from medieval personal names Lampret or Lampreht. Also nicknames is German Lamprecht, Latin Lambertus (see Lambert).

A Lampe has morals, shows respect, and are normally considered quite pretty when standing in a group.

"Who's that in the middle of the picture?"
"That's Phillip Lampe"

by May Davidson August 24, 2017

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


the lighty uppy thingy

Man that lamp is shiney

by ?????. March 3, 2017

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone turns you on but that's as for as it will go.

Jenn is such a lamp, I wish she didn't have a boyfriend.

by Ezrew June 18, 2014

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lamp is another term or codeword for "head", "dome", and "blowjob" only true lamp lovers use this term. The definition of this word originated in the moutains of stormville.

I LOVE getting lamp.
Dude she gives mad good lamp.
Paul F and Alix F love getting lamp from hoo bags.

by DIRTYLAMPLOVER August 18, 2010

86๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


A type of sarcasm used in any situation. Often said by teens to say that something didnโ€™t happen or did happen by saying the opposite event and saying lamp after it.

You did dunk on tony... lamp
I just lost that fight... lamp

by penilesubtraction June 10, 2019


What auto correct sometimes changes lmao to. Instead of "Laughing My Ass Off" it stands for "Laughing Away My Pain."

Dang thats so relatable. Fat LaMp

by saturnbabe3 October 31, 2019


this word stands for LMAO but instead we use lamp to confuse other people :)

my nan died LAMP

by ginger.slag January 25, 2021