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short form of "lingua latina" (vulgar Latin), the Latin of the common folk

French, Spanish, Portugese, Italian and Romanian are decended from Lingua Latina.

by Terra Imperator May 27, 2004

450๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž


a woman from latin america, mexico , etc. considered to be the prettiest woman on earth, but i think every race iz pretty (: . i am 100% latina , and i have to say:
1: We AlL dNt TyPe lIkE tHi$
2. we dnt all have kidz by the time we are 18 FUCK WHOEVER SAID THAT !
3. we dnt all dye our hair blond, for some of us it iz NATURAL . we do come in all different shapez and sizes YA KNO !
4. we dnt all fail in school...me and my friendz are all latina/latino & we get A'S AND B'S
5. some of us arent all curvy...i am for my age but some off us are kinda flat and stuff , but there iz nothing worng with that, they can still b pretty !
6. we are not all vain & bitchy , we can be nice ya kno ! SO STOP BEING STEREOTYPICAL !!

if u r latina , BE PROUD !!!

by GUANACA PRIDE <33 July 15, 2010

126๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lele pons

"im latina"

by FEARLELEPONS November 25, 2020


da buffest gals u can get.
fine booty big tits and sweet

damn dat latina is fine!!!!!!

by larry October 2, 2003

293๐Ÿ‘ 180๐Ÿ‘Ž


hot bitch

i'd love to see that latina naked

by adsf October 3, 2003

478๐Ÿ‘ 318๐Ÿ‘Ž


Latina is someone who is Italian, Spanish, Portugese or Argentinian. In other words not hispanic, but European-white... most people confuse the two.

Latina's are very pretty.

by johnboy April 5, 2005

431๐Ÿ‘ 370๐Ÿ‘Ž


Latina is a femenine derivitave of the male adjective Latino. Latina defines a female with origins in one or more of the latin-american countries (Dominican Republic, most parts of south-america, puerto rico, etc). While most latina's will argue that females of Mexican descent do not fall into the same category as them, this subject is still up for debate. While most latinas are among the most gorgeous women in the world, they are also highly prone to excessive weight gain later in life if they fail to maintain their active lifestyles.

Ex. 1

Dude 1: "Man, I didn't know Jessica Alba was a latina."

Dude 2: "Yea man. I bet you didn't know that Christina Milian was Cuban either?"

Dude 1: "Word?"

Dude 2: "Word!"

Ex. 2

Diva 1: "I hope I age as gracefully as Sade, I know she must work hard at it."

Diva 2: "Yea, she is one sexy ass latina."

by Mr. Reality Music March 3, 2008

84๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž