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She is beautiful. She is stunning. She will keep your mind running and keep your thoughts wondering.

Damn Lauren is truly one of a kind.

by youraveragestoner October 20, 2018

151๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


OH MY GOD! I swear you have never seen a more welcoming, sweet face in your life. Every time she walks in a room, it lights up just enough so everyone can see her gorgeous face. She looks great in just about anything, and never comprises her beauty for douche bags. She is really great friend who will always be there for fashion or relationship advice. But she never misses a chance to smile.

Where is that glow coming from?
Dude, it's that chick you like!
Ohhh, it's Lauren.

by OmgUrbanDefsMakeMePuke January 27, 2015

186๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most beautiful girl in the whole world, even though she doesn't know that she is. She means the most to a guy who doesn't deserve someone so perfect. The perfect girl and the one that is right for me.

Wow, Lauren looks so beautiful. She is my favorite halfrican.

by Lucky7's September 8, 2014

171๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


beautiful amazing perfect wonderful girl and if you meet someone named Lauren go and get her and treat her well

"look at that girl over there, she looks like a lauren"

by William_James January 29, 2015

140๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lauren's are mysterious. They are quiet until you get to know them, then they open up and laugh with you until you're crying. They're kind and compassionate but if you mess with someone they love they are feisty in a way that will SCARE you because of how calm and loving they usually are. Don't mess with someone they love. They know how to shoot a gun and they aren't afraid to get dirty. They have a bubbly sense of humor and laugh easily. They will stop traffic and postpone plans to rescue a dog they see on the side of the road. They will move mountains for the ones they love and they are the most loyal people in the world. Lauren's are beautiful. Their eyes have secrets but their hearts are transparent. They rock absolutely everything they wear and they have an amazing sense of style. Lauren's are incredibly hard workers and everything they become a part of is made better because of them. If you are lucky enough to have a Lauren, cherish her. She will enrich the life of everyone she loves.

That's Lauren's friend, don't even think about messing with her.
Aww what a sweet dog! Yes, Lauren rescued her this morning.

by CareToTheBear January 24, 2019

159๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


the best person to be round. always make you happier if you're in a bad mood. every time you hang with her its so much fun. she makes you the best you can be all the time.

lauren is the best person ever!

by jabroni69 October 10, 2018

55๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


That girl who is so funny even on your bad days she makes you laugh. That one person that can look at you in the eye and you know everything is gonna be fine,she is cute but when you get real close her sexiness comes flying out,she is everything you would want in a girl and once you catch her you shouldnt let her go,that would be a huge mistake.

Lauren is the greatest thing EVERRRR

by Mewantcake. October 2, 2017

55๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž