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A hospital in the Bronx.

1) Bronx Lebanon hospital is not St. John's hospital.

2) Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center is the largest voluntary, not-for-profit health care system serving both the South and Central Bronx.

by sux0r April 16, 2007

51๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lebanon, IN

It is a small town that lies in Boone County. It is full of the most amazing people and the worst people in the world. Nothing in between. Unfortunately, there are quite a few overweight people every where you look. Lose some weight guys, you're representing us in a negative way. Anyway, Lebanon is a quaint little town that is kind of boring, but that's because people don't want to find anything to do. Lazy! Though when it comes to sports and stuff like that, everyone comes together as a team and it's the best town to live in.

I drove through Lebanon, Indiana and there were a lot of fat people there, but then there were like so many hot guys.

by thatonechickyousawonetime March 2, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


actually.. lebanon is less known as the most fucking redneck town in southwest virginia. it sweats george bush, rifles, and wranglers. its wanna be rich trailor trash. they live their lives wishing they were from abingdon.. a slightly less redneck in the area. lebanon high is a joke. they come to abingdon high with their fucking pioneer and get laughed at.

driving down the main street i see NOTHING just consignment shops and churches.

by 07bitches May 3, 2005

78๐Ÿ‘ 140๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lebanon is a great country, it is the only country where ugly people can bang beautiful girls, its number 1 on the tourism list of Saudi people..Lebanese citizens have so many interests in life. womans main priority there is to enlarge their breasts and lips, speak the invented freshorabic wear trendy sunglasses.
men objectives are proportional to womans interests, the non fagot men are less than 10%,they think democracy is bullshitting and cursing certain ministers in the government.and all Lebanese citizens share 1 thing in common, blaming syria for their mis fortunate life events.

tony : hey there a sheep attacked my mom yesterday and banged her 10 times till death.
johnny : i am certain that it's a syrian sheep.

fahad : i am tired of banging saudi dudes in the ass
abdullah : lets go to lebanon, you can bang any sex there and you wont even know if its a man or a woman.

by Deformation September 7, 2007

59๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž


After living their for 2 years it apparent that this counrty is the shities ever seen. Theirs to many snobby stuck up bitches their! Their music sucks along with their sports. No football, their basketball teams suck ass and no one can properly play basketball without altering the rules. This country sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lebanon is located right above the jews and right next to a bunch of syrians. The country is so small you can barely find it on a map.

by tozfeek May 7, 2006

109๐Ÿ‘ 307๐Ÿ‘Ž


Officially - A country in the Middle East
Actually - A place where great food and the most GORGEOUS women come from

Guy 1: Holy shit!!! Look at that babe!!!
Guy 2: Oh yeah, she's from Lebanon
Guy 1: That explains it

by Quicksand Jesus May 6, 2004

1991๐Ÿ‘ 6667๐Ÿ‘Ž


this shitty little city in pennsylvania. i should know. it's boring as fuck. but i guess some people like it.

home of the lebanon cedars. which suck ass.

dood. this party sucks! it's almost as bad as lebanon!

by erin :D August 18, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž