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leoni or le - oni means the bitch is just fucking cool as biscuits

guys wanna be with her and girls well..they just wanna be her..

dats leoni alrite

by coolasshoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee October 20, 2010

69👍 33👎


she is reckless. her make up is a combination of anxiety and beauty, unknown to herself. she’s the most beautiful chaos i have ever seen

Leoni, the girl with chaos in her mind.

by ados123 November 30, 2018


A Leoni is a girl who stays a mystery to other people. She seems to live in another unsiverse and to be creepy intelligent.
She´s a beautyful creature from another world but also has something cocky on her.
Most of all, she´s a nerd. A HOT nerd.

"Have you seen Leonis outfit today?"
"Yeah, it´s so eccentric, but she doesn´t care."

by amyserpent September 9, 2017


Leoni is the best person too have in your life she is very sexy and can be freaky... but don’t loose a Leoni because she’s smart and she tends too love hard. Anything can break her heart so please be good too her

Leoni Is one of a kind

by Alphabetical2 December 31, 2021

4👍 1👎


Shortest person that you will meet.

Leoni is short

by YeetedMeat March 26, 2019

7👍 5👎

a Leonie

Having a shit while having sex

hey i need to crap want to have a leonie?

by DillanJack January 11, 2011

8👍 19👎

Dirty Leonie

When you stop in the Middle of sex to make banana cake.

How did it go last night?”
“Dude she dirty Leonie’d me»
«Oh I’m so sorry»

by Plantygirl May 4, 2020