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1. a convict serving a life sentence in prison

2. someone who goes joins the military and stays for the sake of having a job

Some lifer was trying to sue the prison for negligence because of an itch.

by The Return of Light Joker March 30, 2010

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1) (noun) a best, best, best friend - for life; noted for their strange sense of humor and similarities to "facets of a crystal"; can be found playing concentration at night in the middle of a driveway
see also: sexual six, snine, the family
2) (adj.) a word to describe a certain old, black composition book filled with many pages of inside jokes, doodles, stories, and a pokemon card; used in conjunction with the word, "book"

1) It's always a wonderful feeling to see "lifers in the distance."
2) "Hey kids, listen to this! BUM-DA-DA-DUM-DA-DUM-DA-DUM-DUM-DUM! HAHAHAHHAH," she read from the lifer book.

by spolliewoo October 24, 2007

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A Marine who relies on the USMC to survive in life. A pathetic reason to stay in the marine corps becuase you don't have the will or drive to make it on your own.

Sgt. Maj. Hudson is too scared to leave the USMC. It's his security blanket. God-awful lifer!

by lawnmowerman October 30, 2004

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no lifer

Someone who attempts to ruin other peoples lives, for a living (i.e. no life), because it is the only way they can gain emotional power or control in their own life.

People who sue or nag you; just because they can (no lifer).

Parents/Gaurdians who take away everything (friends, cell phones, allowances) so that they can feel like they have authority over your life.

by Love Ya Newb <3 January 31, 2009

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A career US marine after a war ends who keeps reenlisting and makes the corps
his home.It stands for Lazy Ignorant Fuck Expecting Retirement.

Not to be confused with professional US marines that love the Marine Corps and
stay because its their chosen profession. LIFERS stay because they sit around,
don't do shit,Spit shine their boots and kiss the officers asses.They fuck the working dedicated marines every chance they get.

Sgt.Wright is a LIFER. He couldn't hold down a civilian job at Mickey dees.

by Joedecop September 20, 2014

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High school couples who have been together for several months and act like they are married.

"Those lifers are at the same spot every day. If I have to witness any more PDA, it's more than likely that my corneas will suffer irreversible damage."

by misfitzy December 25, 2005

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Someone who, despite forces to the otherwise, continues doing something for an extended period of time.

Guy 1: "That dude is 45 and he is *still* skateboarding?"

Guy 2: "Yeah, man. He has been skating since he was 10-years-old. He is a lifer, no doubt."

by lone sentry November 20, 2007

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