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lose a pair

Like the insult grow a pair, only said to a girl acting particularly manly or that looks like a man. Also used to just make one mad.

Jane: Shut up Bob you know I'm strong and can beat up guys!
Bill: Wow Jane, how about you lose a pair and act like a girl!

Bob: Hey Kate! Lose a pair!

by Johnny Locke April 19, 2010

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Gamble and Lose

When you think you have to fart and you end up shitting your pants

Oh shit dude, I just gambled and lost!

by Jenna September 8, 2004

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losing the gamble

An alternate description of the term shart. An unintentional emission of feces during intended flatulence.

I was taking a piss the other day and tried to fart. It sucked, dude--I totally lost the gamble!

by bscepter February 12, 2005

27๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

born to lose

-Usually found on tatoos it means a guys got bad luck and/or hes a guy whos been through a lot.
-Can be used for white trash or middle class who know they started life without a chance.

Q: "Life sucks man."
A: "Yeah well we were born to lose"

by That kid you hated November 18, 2004

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Losing Wood

loosing your sexual arousal (totally independent of gender), because f.e. the object of desire talk to much or is doing something, that is killing your vibe.

Stella: *starts kissing Ted*
Ted: *not kissing her* "George Lucas based the film's structure on Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress. He also owes a debt to Campbell's work with comparative mythology."
Stella: "Yeah, Ted, I'm losing wood over here. What's going on?"

by z4kk February 2, 2017

never lose

Someone who always wins due to the combination of luck, swagger, higher education, better job, hotter boyfriend/girlfriend etc. People are insanely jealous of them in general.

I always comes out on top, no matter what. Never Lose.

by Keef_the_Dutchman October 21, 2010

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just lose it

"Just lose it" means literally
"Lose your mind" or "Go crazy!".

"Just lose it, oh baby."

by Azuma-san June 6, 2005

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