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Damien Luciano

Fucking awesome. handsome awesome hair. part Hispanic part Italian. he is the shit.

you did so good on that test instead of an A+ you get a Damien Luciano.

by d@mien luiano February 16, 2012

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dirty luciano

A dirty luciano is when 2 males use a 2 foot long dildo and stick each end in eachothers ass while kissing.

Oh my gosh me and Dan did a dirty Luciano ot was amazing

by Johnny1818 September 10, 2021

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Lucky Luciano

The armed version of bluesoul when it comes to politics.

We made a joke about the arab issue, and this Lucky Luciano just jumped all over us.

by Don_Scarpa January 27, 2009

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Vanity Luciano

She runs this shit you don't even know. The queen of da bronx!

Vanity could spank her parents and no one would care.

by Runnin' This shit. April 25, 2005

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Country boy luciano

A cowboy that doesn't give a crud about what you think of him! A strong man not only physically but mentally and emotionally. Knows how too treat a lady and how to show off the southern gentleman in him. Luciano is a great successful business man of Hot sauce! This man will be going places in life!

country boy luciano is a great yee yee yellin cowboy!

by ๐Ÿ˜‚ Anonymous โค๏ธ August 19, 2019

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Luciano Vargas

A psychopath than you just can't stop loving.

Random girl: My boyfriend in prison is such a Luciano Vargas.

by TheCreepyThingInYourNightmares October 28, 2017

Dirty Luciano

Dirty Luciano is when an Arab is fucking a camel with a suicide vest and the orgasm is so good you pull the pin.

Damn tobi, you did a dirty Luciano on the weekend?

by Itsyaboiwilliam_earle March 8, 2022