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MTS also known as menaces to society, a street gang from the east side of Adelaide , in South Australia. Approx 10 members. criminal activities such as grand larceny, bootlegging, money laundering and territorial turf wars. they are locally know for cursing around the east side in white pimped out vans and wagons.

They operate out of the urban area St Morris and are a good example of modern crime and gang life in Australia.

In MTS's later years the crew began several legal ventures such as underground music production in collaboration with D.S D.C.

What side of town do you live on.

The east side.

Your a menaces (MTS) then.

by bfl1997 September 24, 2014

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Masturbate, Turkey Sandwich, Sleep. The act of jacking-off just before bed, eating a turkey sandwich and then going to sleep.

Dude 1: "Man I'm so horny but I'm kinda hungry and tired"
Dude 2: "You should MTS"
Dude 1: "Why didn't I think of that? I love turkey!"

by Stuart3333 September 19, 2010

38๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Acronym standing for "Make Them Suffer".

A hardcore crew primarily based out of Jacksonville, Florida, but with branches around the east coast. As of today, MTS is broken up due to run-ins with the law, and violent fueds with other major hardcore crews.

Do not fight with an ex-member of MTS, they still have street credit with a rough crowd.

The hardcore scene in Jacksonville as well as everything else is ran by these dudes I saw at a show last night- MTS.

by platypuss June 24, 2006

36๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž



When a girl's pants are too tight and her fat rolls over the top-like a muffin

Roni: OMG look at her MTS it's like making me sick
Courtney: Ish, she should get larger pants

by <3 Roni May 17, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Money to spend. Significantly characterized by a person or persons who has nothing to do but spend ridiculous amounts of money. Not necessarily in the ultra-rich Paris Hilton super star manner. More specifically the: upper middle class, lives in the suburbs, more than 4 flat screen tv's in the house, cars that cost more than $50,000, wife buys children clothes and accessories from juicy coture, manner.

Must be nice!!

Normal person: Hi MTS friend, I just got home from work. What did you do all day?
MTS person: Work? what's that? Well, today I went to the gym for pilates, went to the spa for my nail and facial treatment, stopped at home to make sure the nanny wasn't letting the kids watch tv all day, met (name random mts friend here) for lunch at Cheesecake factory, and then went to Nordstroms to pick up a tie and some new socks for my husband!"

by Kaybs July 15, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Message Too Short

Usually, this term is made for posting in the forum, and it has character limits, from 10 letters to 2000 or so; if you write 4 characters to reply, it will disallow you to post because message is too short. So you just add "mts" after your message.

lol mts mts
nice /mts
cool mts

by White Girl from R-S/CZ/PR/FFX October 12, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


You reach a really high level of retardation that you "MTS" and your brain doesn't function

Hey man did you hear what he said?
Yea dude this guy totally MTS'ED

by MTSER April 6, 2019