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A guy who moans and bitches when he underperforms in Counter-Strike. Also vaccinated lmao.

"Hey Magnus really underperformed in Overpass today!"
"Of course - he is vaccinated!"

by cartmees November 22, 2021

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Magnus has a horrible fashion sense. His hair looks like he just got attacked by a wild animal. His eyecontacts will make you feel uncomfortable. But he's funny and snapping him is funny as well.

girl 1: omg are you talking with Magnus? He's kinda ugly.
girl 2: yes I am but talking to him is fun, and looks ain't the only thing that matters.

by chupqpi November 22, 2021

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Adjective meaning, to get extreme sexual arousal when thinking or looking at feet.

Yo Quentin Tarantino has a Magnus.

by gamer_69 December 23, 2020

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a non hurtful way to say you gay to someone

ziya:yo bro you are magnus
marco:ikr thanks bro

by poggers pussy December 23, 2020

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Magnus is a awfull name. Only people with no brains and little sexual activity get this name.

Hello there!
Magnus! I didnt see you there!

by MagnusHater6942091188 April 25, 2018

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Magnus is a well defined psycopath He looks like a normal guy, but he is not that smart. The word is also used to describe someone that is a little shorter than normal.

Oh, there is Magnus. Time to get away.

by Not Konrad February 8, 2022

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A name that you call someone if you think they are fat and ugly and are the most stupid person you know. mostly used if the person your talking about is there so he dont know your talking about him. or just a way to insult him. can also mean a guy that never goes to school.

god man dont be such a magnus.

i dont wanna skip school today. i dont wanna be a Magnus

by Gooblegabble April 20, 2009

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