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malt fart

the next morning after drinking large quantities of malt liquor (namely 40 ouncers) when you fart profusely and it smells like dead shit.

o man i drank way to many steelies last night. my farts smell like if shit were a living thing and then died and started to decompose, but only it's coming from my ass in gas form. i got the malt farts

by japer July 27, 2006

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malt liquor

Cheap, overly strong beer, often found in poor neighborhoods in 40 oz bottles. Can occasionally be good; usually isn't.

And then there was the guy who couldn't tell St. Ives from a Maibock... the sad part is that he had a point...

by Brian X July 2, 2003

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Maltings Academy

A wonderful land full of books and white boards also a type of prison for children !! :O

your under arrest your going to maltings academy

by lesbian kittens July 30, 2009

Coozer Malt

When you take a can of whipped cream, insert the nozzel in to the coozer, a.k.a. cooter, fill the coozer up with whipped cream. You then insert a long plastic straw into the coozer and blow bubbles or suck out the whipped cream. Also referred to as the 69 malt.

That coozer malt that I have my girlfriend last night tasted great.

by Z Hizzle January 29, 2006

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malt liquor

frothy beverage normally consumed on mondays in celebration of Malt Liquor Monday. Can be consumed at other times during the week. Usually found in 40 oz bottles, but is also a steal in the 6 pack of 16 oz hurricanes for $3.87.

Drink malt liquor, its not as bad as you think.

by nemo September 20, 2004

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malt loaf

Malt loaf has a sweet taste and a chewy texture like very heavy, soft bread. It is made from malt and often contains fruit such as raisins. Many eat it with a spread of butter, chocolate or cheese.

SoreenAunt Ellen's is another brand of malt loafs. Both are produced in Manchester

by dixieheart November 4, 2008

Meat Malt

Another term for semen or baby gravy, etc.

That girl was a freak. She gave me a blow job and swallowed all my meat malt.

by Dic Lofenac March 13, 2009