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Maury Show

a talk show which was originally a game show titled "Whose da Daddy?". Only features racial stereotypes who have untold amounts of sex with their entire neighborhood and can't find out who is the father of their badly named child. So instead of having any amount of dignity and privately going to a clinic, they embarass themselves on national television and have Maury proclaim that the deadbeat scumbag man is or is not the father. The woman runs to the back and cries, the scumbag dances on stage and Maury exploits these women for his own selfish gain. It is actually pretty entertaining to watch.

Maury: When it comes to 10 month old zudafitriashoshumba, Thuga you are not the father!

Thuga: I TOLD YA, I TOLD YA, I TOLD YA (dances)

Lafunda: (runs to the backstage, crying, camera does extreme closeup) OH MAW GAWD, I THOWTH YOU WAS THE DAD, OH MAW GAWD, OH GAWD!!! I NEVER HAD SEX WID ANYBODY, BUT THAT ONE OTHER BUSLOAD OF PEOPLE I DIDINT KNOW!!!

Maury: we'll help you find the father, on the MAURY SHOW.

Announcer: The maury show was paid for by the following.

by Mr. Zimpy November 23, 2009

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Maury Math

When a ghetto hoe only has 4 kids but goes on the Maury Povich show with 12 potential baby daddies.

Nydia took me and my whole crew on Maury to find out who the father of DaShawn was. I guess that hoe done some Maury Math and she fucked all of us.

by TigerSkeet April 14, 2017

Maury Shots

A drinking game where you watch the Maury Povich Show. You guess if the man on stage is the baby's daddy. If you guess wrong, you take a shot. Hours of fun and enjoyment!

Hey! Maury's on! You got the Cuervo? Let's play Maury Shots!

by Rod Headman January 10, 2006

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Maury Povich

Host to one of the most nauseating talk shows exibiting people of the lowest moral fiber trying to gain sympathy for either

1.being a complete whore and not knowing which of the 10 guys she has slept with is the baby's daddy. Even though it has been 6 different episodes. Boo Hoo! Just can't seem to keep my legs closed. Already have 5 kids and I don't know who they daddies are either!

2.Failing to understand that their partner is a whore and will always fail the lie detector test because they will cheat over and over again. Even though this time it's fr rrreal! Jus cuz he beat me don mean he don love me!!

3.Try to figure out who the fuck is a man or a woman by holding a contest ( just a ruse to get hit on by transvestites)!

4.Having a panel of pre-teens proudly displaying themselves claiming that their vagina is already worn and they is only 12 years old. They smoke weed and drink Hennessy and they even got paid two hundred dollas one time for giving a man a lap dance, and he was all of Thirty years old. It don't matter, you don't know me, I do what I want!

5.Wasting that whole hour recapping past episodes because the producers have nothing new to offer, they've done it all.

7.When all is said and done, you can always turn it on to make yourself feel better because you know that unless you are some in-bred ghetto assed crack smoking ignorant whore, you cannot possibly be off any worse than his guests. Thank god!!

I wuz wachn Maury Povich las yesterday, n he had on that bitch Felicha,you know. That ho who wuz tryin to all up on Ray Ray's grill this pas Saturday night at Jonelle's sister's cousin's crib. That bitch was all tryin to be all shady n shit sayin that he was th baby's daddy after she done went on his show five times already tryin to pass it off on eight other dudes! She crazy if she don think I is gonnna sit herr n not clock a bitch upside her head! She don no! Bitch don no me, I do what I want! I do what I want!

by Mr. Bravo December 17, 2008

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Maury moment

When an event happens in your life that could lead you to be on the Maury show.

"I had a Maury moment when I found out I was pregnant and didn;t know who the daddy was"

"That was a Maury moment when I admitted to David that I cheated on him with 5 different men."

by MissMajestic March 17, 2009

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Maury Show

A show full of people with many problems. Usually involves people cheating on other people or prostitutes. Also has lots of cussing & sometimes even gay couples.

Maury: Let's bring Tanaya on to the show!

Tanaya's Mother: &&#@&^*@@^%$@^@*$##^%!@&#*#@#^@@^@*#

Therefore, the Maury Show is basically a place for trash.

by Kellie!!! June 12, 2009

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Maury Povich

Host of the "Maury" daytime talk show series. Show usually contains corny subjects such as:

1. "I have slept with 63 men, and I need to tell my husband!"
2. "Beaten, shot, raped, and burned. And I'm alive to tell!"
3. "I don't think my son is my husband's."
4. "Man or Woman"
5. "My baby is 235 pounds, and I need help!"

Notorious for it's large African-American viewership, and it's notoriously low ratings, Maury has been the butt of jokes since it's inception.

Maury Povich is married to embarassment-of-a-journalist Connie Chung and is usually busy putting up with her.

Man, did you see Maury Povich today? Shanequa brought on her 54th man to be tested! Yeah, she's a ho.

by Zachary Peterson August 4, 2005

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