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Super duper McDouble

A very swell tasting McDouble

Man i had a super duper McDouble

by Super-duper-McDouble April 16, 2021

McDouble Ho

McDouble hoe means your fat. It can also mean that you have a big 2 patty (A big ass) in a bad way. But most likely your fat

Shut up Mathew you McDouble hoe
Tilia is such a McDouble hoe

by yourmumgaymydude February 14, 2020

Mcdouble Pussy

Used to describe a woman with low sexual value, typically synonymous with "hoe" and "thot". It is derived from her genitals being worth that of a Mcdouble.

"Bro you see Keisha recently, she's bad as fuck."
"Nah bro everyone's had that Mcdouble Pussy."

by Fatfuckingballs99 April 19, 2023