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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

A Japanese Manga (comic book) and Anime series that many white American children pretend to love in order to project their fake-japanese (Wapanese) image. An otaku (Japanese term for geek) in an anime series called Lucky Star was a huge fan of Haruhi Suzumiya, and so every Wapanese feels like they have to be, too.

It is actually one of the most boring, slow and inane series ever, and it is likely to put you to sleep.

Wapanese: "Did you see that? That was just like that part in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya! Sugoi!"

Normal American: "Which part?"

Wapanese: "If you don't know, you're just a baka!"

Normal American: "You've never actually seen Haruhi, have you?"

by The Middle Road March 22, 2010

33👍 90👎

Pepsi-Sponsored Melancholy

PSM, for short. A phrase used to desrcibe people, places, and sellouts who fake an expression of sorrow for personal gain. For example, a widow may use her husband's death as a way of getting attention for herself. Or a politician may use a national tragedy for personal gain.

Another example would be somebody who adopts a "goth" lifestyle, with a pretense at melancholy, in order to make their dull life seem more interesting. Little do they know, their life is interesting enough without all the pretense, if only they would believe in themselves.

All in all, a useful phrase for describing a variety of high-profile whiners.

Make sure the cameras catch my Pepsi-Sponsored Melancholy. Wouldn't want them to find out I'm just a no-good heartless bastard.

by The artist formerly unknown as Chi April 25, 2007

1👍 1👎

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Worst fucking series ever. It's not entertaining in any way and has annoying as hell voice acting. This series, for whatever the fuck reason, became extremely popular and has an enormous fanbase. The saddest and most pathetic thing about this series is that it tires VERY VERY HARD to make you laugh, and it falls flat on it's ass and fails. Of course all the wapanese and Otakus will argue that this series is "unique" or "original", and I’ll give them that, but keep in mind, being those things doesn't mean it's any GOOD! Fuck this series.

Wapanese kid: ZOMGZ! Dis iS FUUUNY!!


Me: What the hell you two!? This shit isn't funny at all it's just pathetic and stupid. Whatever you guys watch this shit, I’m gonna go watch Hot Fuzz.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya blows ass.

by SetAbominae August 24, 2007

87👍 513👎

Melancholy Crush'in

mel·luhn·kaa·lee krush·in

When you have interest in someone but you put negative thoughts in your head to keep yourself from talking to them.

"Damn I should go say wassup....nahh it wouldn't change shit"
"I wanna say sum but...nahh damn got me melancholy crush'in"

by Bossyassme July 31, 2019


Some would say It’s feeling sad for no apparent reason. I say It’s what muggles feel when dementors are around.

Rodrick and Randall felt a feeling of melancholy when Kermit walked in.

by Monkey Angelow May 7, 2020


The second word one of the best Donkey Kong Country 2 songs and one of the best songs in all of gaming

Damn bro Mining Melancholy is such a fucking banger.

by Dry Boi February 7, 2021


Similar to feeling bittersweet. It's like and old memory. Things were nice, but now what made it special has dissipated.

I saw a playground that I used to play in with some old friends. But it's run down, and my friends have all moved on and haven't talked to each other in years. It makes me feel melancholy.

by Swymbst March 20, 2022