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Milo gets blamed for literally everything and Milo is a human name, not a dog or cat name. He's cool and is funny. He's also 6'8

Milo is super tall.

by Not Milo November 4, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A popular name for an Orange cat, popularized by the children's movie "Milo and Otis". People who name their cat this are subject to unusually high amounts of meowing for no reason, toilet paper shredding, and running around the house frantically for no reason after taking massive dumps in the litter box that make the entire house smell like cat shit. The best nickname for this sort of cat is either "asshole" or just "kitty".

Juckett: "Dude, your cat is an asshole."
Fass: "Yeah, he's a total Milo."

by Fassmaster May 4, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


He is a huge knob that gets you into bed and then cranks up the lil peep when you hear him calling out โ€œBenz truckโ€ you know thatโ€™s his mating call he leads woman to have sex and then he never talks to them again.He laves the talking to his best friend Ben who is loving and caring and is a master with his long tounge he also has a seven inch cock.

Milo is a knob and Ben is a sweet,loving and caring big cocked man (definitely a man)

by MilosMum May 13, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Usually a guy that goes by the name Johnny he may think he knows everything

You just miloโ€™d me

by Miloknowsitall September 23, 2018


Milo is an Aussie chocolate powder that we take VERRY seriously to have.

Person 1: oi! Ya want some milo you cunt
Person 2: yea, alright mate.. donโ€™t pour it in a cup.. just put it in the can

by Wth is a pseudonym September 26, 2019


Milo is the sweetest person your going to meet, they are smart and pretty they can be good at math. they can make you feel better when your sad.

Milo .,.

by Larray.,. February 18, 2021


aka emilio ponnadu A real poes

"ey you to funny bru " - MIlo

by Shlong baba December 11, 2021