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Moonshine March

Whenever you stay up till nearly 4am every night in March getting shitfaced with your friends.

Person 1: Dude I hate Moonshine March my parents are kicking me out.
Person 2: Man that sucks, but sleep is for the weak.

by Axeawesome March 18, 2020

Moonshine Monday

The day of the week when people mainly college students drink a homemade brew of alcohol. This brew could be moonshine or any other home made concoction.

Hey break out the mason jars cracker it's Moonshine Monday.

by Beagle Love April 8, 2009

Carolina Moonshine

When one cousin ejaculates in another cousin's mouth.

I made my cousin drink the Carolina Moonshine at the Family Reunion.

by Don Jr. February 27, 2015

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Alaskan Moonshine

The act of ejaculating on a partner's face and/or chest, the partner then proceeds to spread the jizz across his/her face and then falls to sleep with it on.

Nothing would satisfy me more than one of your infamous Alaskan Moonshines that I've heard so much of.

by burnswenip93 September 5, 2011

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Johnny Moonshine

Louisiana-born Blues, Metal, and Southern Rock singer/frontman

There's new music on the Official Johnny Moonshine myspace page

by CoHa January 16, 2010

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Moonshine Baby

A moonshine baby is someone that grew up on a farm where their mother drank home-made liquor which in turn, caused them to grow up to be vaguely retarded and weird.

"He was brought up on a farm. He's not a crack baby, he's a moonshine baby."

by Bunt Cunch December 5, 2008

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moonshiner's turn

an illegal U-turn made by putting the car in neutral and applying the hand brake

He just pulled off a moonshiner's turn before I could block his escape.

by The Return of Light Joker December 4, 2011