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Laura Neal

a.) A homophobic slur.

b.) A term used to describe a woman obsessed with Christian iconography, who tries to hard to be edgy and cool.

"Did you hear? Adam got kicked out when he came out to his mom"
"Oh wow, I didn't realize his mom was a Laura Neal"

"I'm writing a screenplay and it's groundbreaking"
"Nice! What's it about?"
"MILF going through a lesbian phase, who gets baptized in the filthy water of Thames."
"That's so Laura Neal of you!"

by Sylviana Morel April 11, 2022

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adam neal

An elderly Neo-Nazi that is known for worshipping black gypsy magics.

His skin tags looked almost identical to those of Adam Neal

by AdamKneel August 11, 2015

Nightmare Neal

The champion who awakens you to reality occasionally with music. The champion that conquers every obstacle, in the process enlightens people along the way. Usually someone who brings the dead to life.

Did you hear that new song by Nightmare Neal?

by Nightmare Neal February 25, 2020

Neal Stephenson

One of the greatest scientific and historic authors ever. Written novels based on the development of modern science, mathmatics and cryptography.

Neal Stephenson's best books are:
The Baroque Cycle

by crazy_ivan45 September 1, 2005

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Neal W.

Neal W. Is very hot, he is very interested in Football and has a really kind heart. Whenever he walks in the room you blush with excitement! He’s really Smart and VERY humorous against people he hates. Neal is overall amazing

Neal W. is my dream come true

by Hailey Hana December 5, 2017

Neal Shusterman

An award-winning author who is known for his awesome, and amazing books

"Hey dude, last night I just finished a book called downsiders, and it was awesome, you should read it too!"
"I know, I am reading a book called challenger deep by neal shusterman too!"

by starwarsfan123 January 4, 2018

Blake nealing

Taking something extremely seriously or getting vexed at teammates for no reason

Brian: Are we blake nealing

Dafys: Too fucking right son

by Crouchwalk0161 August 8, 2019