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public option

open to all persons the power or right of choosing healthcare; private healthcare or government runned

The USA is split on the public option, some think of it as a gov't takeover.

by The Gaming Wolf September 25, 2009

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Option 3

Choosing to be high and drunk at the same time instead of just one of the two. (option 1 being drunk and option 2 being high; 1+2=3!)

Person A: Good evening gentlemen, tonight would you rather get drunk as shit or high as fuck?
Person B: We should Option 3 and do both!
Person C: Option 3 or you're a pussy!

by Broseidon February 25, 2009

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internet options

savior of all teens who searches porno

screw norton, just gotta internet options and u can clear ur history and cookies in a click

by i think im gay July 17, 2006

Best option

When a pompous ass thinks that they can do something way beyond any capabilities that they may really have.

Kevin Poliquin the best option, techmo champ of the world.

by Code 25631 December 31, 2010

Option Two

New Age contemporary eMo also known as schizophrenic rock.

"Buddy, have you listened to Option Two in my New corvette?"

by Jimmy Jammer April 29, 2003

Friends with options

Those that are in a mutual and often platonic friendship where sex might be incorporated but is not based on the necessity or expectation of sex. A situation in where sex occurs because of a friendship, not a relationship that occurs because of sex. Not to be confused with Friends with Benefits, or screw buddies.

Friends with options could be two people who might have known each other years and while they care about each other, have no romantic feelings for each other. While there might be a mutual physical attraction, the sex is based on a certain level of trust and friendship. Marital or relationship status is not a concern, because the sex is often recreational more so than emotional. Even if it occurred only once, the friendship would remain intact (unless it was bad), but there is an understanding that it could happen again without expectation.

by mrleightnite March 21, 2009

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the figel option

A term used in beer pong that replaces a team mate that went MIA for usually just a throw. The replacement can be anyone near the table choosen by the single player. This term is put in effect if the missing team mate taken a piss, droppin a deuce, or just unavalible at the time of his throw. This keeps the game flowing.

"Yo my team mate went to drop a deuce, imma have to run the figel option."

by choppa November 27, 2005

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