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omaha stylee

A song by the fuckin kick ass band 311 expressing their love from the city they come from. This song kicks fuckin ass yo. 311 rocks!

"Omaha stylee did not think there was one
Where you know the radios weak and the shows are more fun
But you know we fuck up the dance since 1988
Many did not think when they hear that we come from this state"

by Carlton Dickerson July 27, 2006

45๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Omaha Fugitive

A Group of People that Often play The Fugitive game in Omaha, NE. The game is rapidly expanding throughout the city. www.facebook.com/omahafugitive

The Game is normally played by Upperclassmen, but is open to people of all ages.

Guy 1: "Hey man, theres nothing to do tonight"
Guy 2: " What are you talking about man, Omaha has one of the best fugitive scenes in the Midwest"
Guy 1: " Well, Lets get on the Omaha Fugitive Page and see when the next game is then"

by Omafugitive August 16, 2010

33๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Omaha Hambone

When you cum in a girls ear, and push her down the stairs.

I gave deh bitch a Omaha Hambone, now she gittided a ear infection and a brokded rib.

by bonquiquizenteir October 31, 2009

87๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Omaha Meatball

The combination of lint and sweat that collects in Peyton Manning's gooch

This chick was going down on me, but my Omaha Meatballs stopped her

by Iben Wakenoff June 28, 2016

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Omaha Snowglobe

When a female stretches an ejaculate-filled condom over her head, pulling the base of the condom just over her nose.

She then exhales through her nose, blowing up the condom globe-like as the spunk within drips around the condom's interior.

Condom spunkejaculateomaha snowglobe

by sick fuck chicago December 17, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

omaha, tx

The town where dreams go to die. Everyone who attends Paul Pewitt is just wading in a cesspool of running trains, smoking weed and swapping partners. The definition of party is a kick back with the same inbred faces you see everyday. Spicing it up is swapping girls with your bro. Hughes Springs is an arch enemy solely because they're all richer and have small dicks but still seem to brag about how good they were at sports years ago. Never the less, omaha has its perks like chilling in the DQ parking lot or fighting in the DQ parking lot or fucking in the DQ parking lot. DQ has seen it all and is the hit spot for dumbass youngsters to hang. Don't worry about those late night muchies, valero next door supplies endless crispitos and they taste bomb as fuck at 3am high as a kite. Brahma mart is chill but not lit, and the cows ass restaurant serves greasy diabetes. Omaha is a tight nit family, we can talk trash all day considering half the people there are trash. But at the end of the day its a chill ass town to grow up in if you can maintain the idea of getting out of there (ntcc does NOT count ya dumb ass whores) and not getting pregnant/knocked up in high school ending up stuck there forever. RIP my guy Lonnie B you were the soul of our town.

Wow Omaha, Tx is chill as fuck but lowkey sucks ass.

by Chilloutho December 25, 2016

31๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Omaha Enchilada

The Omaha Enchilada is a sexual act by nature Fetish the classic Omaha Enchilada is when one person shits in a used condom and then slaps their partner in the face with it until the condom explodes.

Omaha Enchilada.
After he Fucked me he gave me the Omaha Enchilada

by Carlos danger October 10, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž