Source Code

The Nazi's Orange Juice

The Nazi's orange juice refers to Fanta
A drink made in Nazi Germany created after the supply of coke syrup was low

"Hey, you want some fanta?"
"Oh? The Nazi's orange juice"

by Unknown doughnut February 6, 2021

Orange Juice Houdini

A sexual move where a man reaching climax during anal sex pulls out and inserts a turkey baster filled with orange juice. After squeezing the baster and creating an illusion of ejaculation, the man cums in the women face and she poops out orange juice later, much to her dismay.

Guy 1- "Instead of dumping her, I just gave her the Orange Juice Houdini..."

Guy 2- "High Five!"

by Boutros Boutros Boutros Ghali October 7, 2009

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Orange Juice Simpson

1. The delicious, iron-filled drink made of the people OJ Simpson killed

Jim: Look what I got in my Orange Juice Simpson bottle!

Dave: What did you get?

Jim: There's a finger in it! Look!

by DampHair March 1, 2011

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orange juice and toothpaste

orange juice and toothpaste is probably the nastiest combination in the world.
it is basically hell.

Mom: Drink your orange juice, Cooper.
Cooper: No mom - I just brushed my teeth! It'll taste like ass.
Mom: Well next time don't be a little bitch - real men drink toothpaste and eat orange juice.
Cooper: Sorry mom.

Hence: orange juice and toothpaste

by MargaretAnn October 8, 2013

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orange juice

A way describe a Newcommer or newbie to a MMORPG "Entropia Universe" Also knows as OJ's both are derogatory terms and hated by noobs also derogatory.

Whats with all the orange juice at the rig? Don't they know better?

by Aeris-Skined August 1, 2008

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Orange Juice Party

A code-name for a party where there will be booze.

We'd better not invite that girl to our orange juice party, she's no fun!

by blackmagic0627 January 27, 2012

HEB Orange Juice

The only thing the band Waterparks frontman, Awsten Knight, will drink

Waterparks frontman, Awsten Knight, drinks so much HEB Orange Juice. Too much HEB Orange Juice.

by I was on your back porch March 17, 2018

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