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Something that is important to many people. But, similar to the telephone game- β€œsomething” starts as a simple idea, but transforms into something different, or new. Many people are involved; the thing has lost its originality. What began as a simple idea has changed and now it’s just overrated.

I don’t like holidays. They are overrated.

by letYourlightShine May 3, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Ironically enough, the most overrated adjective ever! Used by bitter snobs who hate on people who are interested in different tastes like a bunch of children. Usually a sign of immaturity, insecurity, unabashed racism, emasculating tendencies to nerd rage, and a life so unfulfilling that they actually give a shit about meaningless dichotomy.

Music elitist: Rap Music is overrated garbage, I wish people would listen to Metal instead!
Video game elitist: Fortnite is overrated garbage, I wish people would play Final Fantasy like I do!
Anime elitist: Dragonball Z is overrated garbage, I wish people would watch Fullmetal Alchemist as I do!
Normal person: Cock jousting is overrated garbage, I wish people would shut the fuck up, enjoy what makes them happy, and stop fighting like a bunch of crack-addicted 5th graders!
All elitists: Shuht uhp, Joofaggit, wea nohw yoo suhk marksuhst dik!
My faith in humanity: I Just can't seem to get happy, maybe this will help. *pulls out noose

by Siracha, Baby May 28, 2019

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Led Zeppelin.Need I say more?

Stairway To Heaven is a prime example of overrated

by Taxman August 10, 2006

43πŸ‘ 219πŸ‘Ž


Something that earns too much merit despite not being as great as other people claim it is. (Usually has a very nerdy social reject fanbase who will criticize you for not liking it.)


Christopher Nolan
Game of Thrones
The Walking Dead
Nintendo 64
PlayStation 1
'90s nostalgia
Modern indie rock/pop
Tom Brady
Michael Brown

ALL of these things are highly overrated.

by Medieval Porn Addict February 24, 2016

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


n. The state of being overrated. Characterized by the overestimation of one's skills or abilities.

The overration of LeBron James abilities are conspicuously obvious during the playoffs. The guy can't close games.

by Howie Feltsnatcher, Esq. May 30, 2010


When something gets more appreciation than it actually is worthy of.

Jonas Brothers: "Hugs are overrated, just FYI."

by thatgrammarnazi July 19, 2012

112πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


A term used to describe something that gets more hype and credit than it's actually worth.

So due to personal opinion and anyone who hates anything that's well known, No matter how brilliant something is, if it gets a lot of media attention then there's always someone who will think it's overrated.

Person A) "I'm gonna watch my TV..."
Person B) "TV is overrated"

Person A) "I want an Xbox..."
Person B) "Xbox is overrated"
Person A) "Jesus, shutup"
Person B) "Jesus is overrate-"
*punches in face*

by -Mike- May 6, 2006

907πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž