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palin' it

pursuing a task when one is truly unqualified or not fit for the job.

I didnโ€™t study for the exam, I guess i have to palin' it.

by Eddie Serrano October 3, 2008

41๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.(verb) To Palin - To embarrass yourself and your associates with a string of gaffes and exposed secrets.
2.(noun) A Palin - One whose behavior or actions cause unwanted negative attention to the group.
3. (noun) A desperate gamble

'Dude, you shouldn't have told those jokes about the bride. And you really Palinned when you told her dad she gave you crabs.'

'That girl's got so many skeletons in her closet, she's a real Palin.'

by Al Aska September 2, 2008

414๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž


A verb meaning to fuck something up incredibly and almost beyond belief.

Comes from the name of 2008 Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin and her lulzy interviews with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric.

I tried to change my tire and wound up burning down a hospital. Man, I really Palined that.

by GumboSteve October 16, 2008

207๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


an obvious lie; to tell an obvious lie

Don't palin me, you're not six feet tall! You're a midget!

by douggold September 9, 2008

836๐Ÿ‘ 290๐Ÿ‘Ž


To ignore a question, and instead, to substitute your own non sequitur. This technique was popularized by Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin in her debate with Joe Biden, and then later emphasized by Tina Fey in her parody of this debate.

Man, you totally pulled a Palin when you responded to the landlord's request for rent with a long tirade on the banks.

by Valatan October 8, 2008

177๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


comes from Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin meaning completely unprepared and nonsensical.

Q: Yo did you see what that girl was wearing last night at the club?
A: You mean that topless one with footie pajamas? That shit was too Palin for my tastes.

by Charlie Ninja Turtle September 15, 2008

874๐Ÿ‘ 314๐Ÿ‘Ž


Being treated like a total idiot by the media for acting/sounding like a total idiot in the media.

Carrie Prejean claimed she was Palinized in her jaw-droppingly inept Larry King interview. She is absolutely right. Her political career will be missed...

by The Evil Steve November 13, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž