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u fappa to pappa

Honestly the worst insult known to mankind, this word is known to destroy planets in seconds, was thought to have been the reason the Big Bang happened...

>ur mum gae

>ur dad lesbian

>ur sister a mister
>ur granny tanny
>don’t make me...
>Do it, you won’t...
>u fappa to pappa

>**universe explodes**
>no survivors

by Goats_In_Boats March 16, 2018

John Jake Pappas

A John Jake Pappas is when an individual proceeds to distract a majority of the class by gathering them over to their working space to socialize.

Oh, look at all of the people at his desk. He's pulling a John Jake Pappas.

by marlonandmath November 12, 2021

pappa got slippery

Another way of saying your penis got wet or losing your virginity.

dude 1: i heard you went home with that girl last night
dude 2: yeah man pappa got slippery

by thatname February 19, 2014

ur momma a pappa

even worse than ur granny tranny or ur pappy trappy, the one who gets insulted dies in the moment

Viv: ur mom gay
L: ur pappy trappy
Viv: ur momma a pappa
L: *instantly dies, creates an alternate universe and earth explote*

by L 3 O March 17, 2018

ur momma a pappa

its better than ur mom gey, ur dad lesbian, ur sister a mister, ur granny tranny and ur grandpap a trap. its the ultimate deal breaker, and destroys 1 random universe each time its said, and spawns a meatball in the sky.

gay man: ur mom gey
you: no u
gay man: i used my reverse card B
you: ur dad lesbian
ur friend: ur granny tranny
you: dont gang up on me
ur friend: **ur sister a mister**
you: i guess its time to end this all..
gay man: ur grandpap a trap
you: ur momma a pappa
**meatball drops, but suddenly the universe implodes on itself**

by ur over protective mom March 26, 2018

1👍 1👎

Phi Beta Pappas

The greatest frat ever. In associaton with the nWroe.

Phi Beta Pappas kicks ass.

by Bob Newhart April 8, 2003

5👍 18👎

Momma bear and pappa bear team

momma bear and pappa bear team are affectionate, protective, devoted, strict, sensitive and attentive with their young.

The momma bear and pappa bear team was needed to protect the kids

by Bullcockyonyou, bullshutonu November 29, 2021