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itch particles

The microscopic particles commonly found on St. Augustine grass that cause an unbearable itching sensation when one happens to come in contact with said grass.

Dude!, the itch particles are all over me! I wish I wore a shirt to fend from the itching.

by Accruedd December 2, 2010

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Poo Particles

Pronunciation: 'POOO PAHHH-TA-CLES"

Airborne particles that are 'sprayed' into the air due to the flush of a toilet, causing the air to become polluted with people's 'poop particles'.

Ex. "She left her apple on the sink in the Ladies' room; now it's covered in customer poo particles".

by bostonpoo October 21, 2010

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God Particle

A particle that has evaded the scientists at Geneva. No one knows what it is because no one has seen it.

Scientist: This LHC is shit, I cannot find the fabled God Particle.

by TeddyRobbear September 15, 2011

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Chaos Particle

A Chaos Particle is a particle that causes chaos, it can also cause: confusion, misery, anger, and/or death (although death is very rare.), Chaos Particles themselves are invisible to the naked eye, but can be seen. Chaos Particles are very rare. No one knows Who Discovered Chaos Particles, or if they are natural or not. Chaos Particles can range from very small (3 grams) to very big (70 kg), They can also take the form of living creatures, Chaos Particles can also: cause cancer, cure cancer, control living things, create black holes, and self destruct with a force of about 4 megajoules. Finally, Chaos Particles die in about 94741 days (time may vary).

I Just Encountered a Chaos Particle, It just blew up.
That there Chaos Particle is dangerous, stay away.
My friend says Chaos Particles aren't as bad as people make them out to be, I don't think they have ever seen one in person.

by Chaos Round August 22, 2018

Particle Sweat

An extremely unpleasant-smelling combination of anal cleft perspiration and the residuals of high-frequency flatulence (usually travel-related). The phenomenon usually occurs when one is confined to a seat for long periods of time (such as on an airline, bus, train, or jury duty).

The majority of cases are clear and colorless, though extreme cases can take on a more opaque hue.

My flight to New Zealand was 13 hours straight. I was soaking in a puddle of particle sweat by the time we touched ground.

by guacablowme October 28, 2020

drama particles

Things said in a room of people that provoke drama and hostility.

Both teams were in the lunchroom and a few players on both sides added drama particles until both teams started fighting.

by MeowDevs October 2, 2023

All Particle

The feeling in your body that makes you give your all, a sense of you being a whole

Lemur 1: hey man, do you love her?
Lemur 2: yesh I love her, I love her with my all particle
Lemur 1: why?
Lemur 2: she likes arson . _ .
Lemur 1: ...o-oh ok . _ .

by Lamp Man or Lemur boy November 27, 2020