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pervy sanchez

An obviously perverted person(usually referring to males)

A guy that comments on porn videos on what they would do to the girl is a Pervy Sanchez

by Tlo97 August 10, 2017

Pervy Wanker

a great name to confuse someone who is annoying you!
they have no clue what it is, and well, you get a great laugh at them wanting to know what it is! and when they ask just tell them that they are pervy wanker!! :D

ashton: What!!!!???? whats a pervy wanker!!??
ashaya: You are a pervy wanker now leave me alone!!!

ashton:WHATS THAT!!!??
ashaya: Whats what??

ashton: YOU KNOW WHAT!!
ashaya:noo.... jeez ashton you pervy wanker!!!

by ShayaSaurasRexx April 24, 2010

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Pervy Gentleman

A huge pervert who instead of pushing girls to fit their pervy needs, tries to be nice and constrain themselves, whilst still having a pervy kind of element.

Wow! Kale is is such a Pervy Gentleman

by VoidStormYT February 10, 2018

random pervy

A guy who creates an internet profile (facebook, myspace...) And posts pictures of random girls, taken from the internet.

With comments under the picture like "pretty girl" , "sexy"...

Guys who watch the pics are usualy so retarded that leave a comment like "can you give me your number?"

person1: Look at that girl, who is she?
person2: it's probably a random picture from a cheap porn site
posten by some no-life random pervy...

by Rock Bravura February 18, 2011

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Pervy Perv

A pervy perv is a ugly man who follows women around all day

Looks like someone’s a pervy perv

by Cgbductjc April 19, 2020

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pervy lurk

a lurker who is pervy.
a creeper who glares at you, follows you, a person who violates you with their eyes.
someone who oggles you in an unwanted mannor.

"Oh my goodness. That Josh guy is such a pervy lurk. I saw him staring at Jenna all class and then followed her to the mall"

by whittt December 27, 2006

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Pervy Dugan

I broke up with Pervy Dugan because he talked about lesbian porn and masturbation on our first date, and told me his fantasies of seeing me with another girl...and honey, I highly doubt that.

Pervy Dugan: Do you masturbate?

Me: This is our first date, Pervy Dugan.

by Definition-Dugan April 15, 2004

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