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Preach the Flosspel

To Preach the Flosspel: (verb) The act of motivating someone to floss (or brush) to improve their oral health. Can include dental health education and technique advice.

Hygienist: bitch, you got some serious periodontitis, I'ma preach the flosspel on yo ass!

by Kittridge February 25, 2008

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Super Preaching

The precise definition is: The kind of preaching that is ordained supernaturally , anointed, planned, and executed by God through a faithful servant who serves as a pastor, preacher or evangelist and preaches the extreme message of the good news and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ (The Cross) and extreme Hell preaching that condemns sin and emphasizes sin, Judgment ,Hell and teaches the whole counsel of God.

When Tony preaches to a congregation, his preaching is described as Super Preaching.

by Master Theologian August 24, 2010

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daddy preach

preach is a tall american who i hope isnt canadian with a big dick, he is also very fond of welsh people


by mythsdickisbig February 14, 2022

never preached

To tell the truth.

Debra: It's a long walk around Biltmore Estates. I'm glad I wore my sneakers.
Candace: You ain't never preached before in your life.

Josh: It's a blessing that Hillary wasn't elected.
Caleb: Son, you ain't never preached before in your life.

by myspecialmagic November 12, 2016

Preaching Wombat

The act of two homosexual men rubbing their nipples on one another, one of the males (1) then proceeds to drop plants on the ground. While the second male (2) eats the plants from the ground, taking the bait, the other male (1) brutally rapes him. Before ejaculation, the two finish off by praying to their god.

Ossian and Isak performed the Preaching Wombat yesterday! Ossian took the bait. The ambulance arrived shortly after it ended.

by OssianO April 3, 2011

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preaching to the choir

Extolling/defaming a cause to people convinced of it's greatness/horridness. Etymology is obviously from christian church choirs.

Playmate: Sex sells
Hugh H: Preaching to the choir.

by Kung-fu Jesus July 27, 2004

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preach poison

(v.) To defame with nitpicked and irrelevant facts. Used mainly by Jamaicans (Preach dem poison)

Michael Moore likes to preach poison about the USA.

by Kung-fu Jesus July 27, 2004

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