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prostate cancer

a horrible disease that kills many wonderful people. <3

Person A-you were diagnosed with prostate cancer?
Person B- yep
Person A-I'm so sorry

by ominominai February 10, 2010

70πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

milking the prostate

Ejaculation technique performed by an oject, usually finger, being inserted up the rectum and stroke the prostate gland. This is allegedly where the male G-spot resides.

Angela was milking my prostate last night. I came so hard that it smashed the light bulb!!! Then the dirty bitch sucked her fingers...... I haven't kissed her since.

by SpaccaDayNightFever July 26, 2003

420πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž

Prostate Ballet

The act of a female milking a male's prostate by inserting the toe of her foot into his rectum while wearing footwear: namely ballet slippers or ballet flats. The term can also apply to a woman wearing heels, although when wearing heels, the term is Prostate Disco. She inserts the toe of her foot into the anus and continues pushing in and wiggling her toes until he either ejaculates involuntarily, or she forces him to masturbate. This is a form of domination or enslavement, for if this is done on him enough times in succession, he will be physically unable to ejaculate without her foot inside of him.

Fred: "Hey George, long time, no see! Why are you walking funny?"
George: "That girl I met in the club turned out to be a dom. She's been doing the Prostate Ballet in me."
Fred: "Dude, you need to get a way from her before she turns you into her footslave"
George: "It's too late."

by Jon_The_Psychologist February 6, 2014

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Prostate Protector

Slipping one off the wrist, choking that preverbial chicken etc. etc. Now scientifically proven to be good for the health !

"...It's not what you think mum, you just caught me trying to prevent Prostate cancer in later life!!"

"Just nipping up stairs dear for a spot of prostate protection"

by Big Ash July 25, 2003

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Prostate Wings

When you earn your red wings by downing your own blood out of your lady’s pussy.

Achieved after having a prostate biopsy because you produce bloody semen for six weeks afterward.

I was blowing another load of bloody cum in my wife last night and I yelled DRACULA!

Then pulled out and chowed her box until my face looked like a strawberry glazed donut, thus earning my Prostate Wings.

by Bookbagman February 10, 2022

Prostate Disaster

the act of a prostate exam going extremely wrong and having the doctors finger permanently stuck in the patients anus

Chipotle: Why is there a doctor walking behind you with his finger in your butt?
Kenny: prostate disaster
Chipotle: Oh, I dig

by Patioprimapes May 11, 2010

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Prostate Milking

Is the process of expelling stagnant, stale or toxic seminal fluids (whether medical, or for sensual fulfillment) from the prostate gland. Prostate Milking is a life lengthening, loving effort to lessen the chance of prostate cancer, and as a loving means of extreme sensual pleasure.

Prostate Milking...
β€œShe was tasting his pride, that tasteful little blow, and a tickle inside, to benefit blood flow.” AlyasSmyth

by AlyasSmyth March 7, 2010

81πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž