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Punk-Ass Bitch

1. Someone who thinks they are cool but really aren't no matter how many people like them. See also: Scott Stapp, Fred Durst, P. Diddy, Eminem, Backstreet Boys, Tom Cruise, Vin Diesel and the guy from puddle of mudd.

2. A Middle-class white male who wears his fitted baseball cap backwards and thinks he's cool, often in attempt to resemble Fred Durt.

Scott Strap says he's Christian, that's a total load of crap the ONLY thing he is, is a punk-ass bitch. Oh, ya his music f*cking sucks too.

by Howie Feltersnatch January 2, 2004

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punk ass buster

Commonly used in the streets to define a person who is disliked. A triple word insult. See punk , ass , buster .

Billy - "Yo man, did you see that punk ass buster driving by just now?"

Bob - "Word man, he's a punk ass buster for real, for real."

by Steve March 26, 2005

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punk-ass chump

A bully, frat boy type with no redeeming qualities.

George W. Bush is a punk-ass chump.

by It's all rigged June 19, 2006

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Punk ass bitch

The kind of person who quits a game because they're losing. A total bum fucker.

Jonathan Warren is a punk ass bitch for kicking me out of the Psych game.

by The Landshark December 22, 2015

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insult. what the old people of tomorrow will be shoutting instead of "sunny-boy".


by andrΓ©eee January 28, 2009

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Punk Ass Bitch

President Donald Trump as portrayed by Chrissy Teigen's Twitter response to him calling her a β€œfilthy mouthed” wife.

I'm not voting for that disrespectful Punk Ass Bitch.

by Bubba Nyack September 11, 2019

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An ill-mannered person that has an inflated sense of self-importance that behaves toward others as if he/she is of higher stature than those around him/her but is actually just a douche. See Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump

True to form, Trump responded to the reporters like the punk-ass-chump that he is.

by ATXBrews October 2, 2018