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A cute , shy girl who's really hot , cute , and sexy

Omg she's so pretty, she must be a Rachel.

by Rgirlheart August 16, 2016

31๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rachel is a loyal friend and ally. Will defend someone she cares about to the death, but if she doesn't like them, watch out. Kind hearted and sensitive, though not a door mat. Will not allow herself to be walked on by others. Very creative and bitingly intelligent. Has a strange sense of humor that some might find offensive, but she means it in good fun. She's a bit of a romantic and lives in a fantasy world of fiction, though is also serious and pragmatic when she has to be. If she promises you something, she will never go back on it. Friendly and cheerful, she always manages to put on a brave face, even if she doesn't feel it. Straight forward, does not bull-shit. She can be annoying if she wants to be, and sometimes delights in making you squirm. However, she is also lazy and occasionally too-relaxed. She loves animals, the outdoors, books, and good friends.

"Who's that?" "That's my girl, Rachel."

by MrsJohnnyHooker February 5, 2015

22๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The type of girl that is artsy and weird yet makes friends easily. She loves to attract weird looks with her silly behavior and is the soul entertain to some. Cute and perverted she's skinny despite eating a lot; making others jealous of her. She's the kind of girl guys are attracted too, but too late, she's already got someone. Rachel will listen to your problems despite the hour of the day but doesn't like to open up to others. She's a caring person to both family and friends alike and doesn't get mad easily.

Look at that girl over there. She so silly that she just has to be a Rachel.

by Stray-Cat February 9, 2010

922๐Ÿ‘ 302๐Ÿ‘Ž


thinks your opinion is irrelevant. does what she wants. holding her life together with one bobby pin and some concealer. a sleepy girl with a busy life. can find everything about you in about 5 minutes. knows her worth, then adds tax.

rachel is a bad ass bitch

by waterwaterwater May 10, 2019

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


is the most amazing girl ever. She is pretty, smart, super kind, and brave. She is the most gorgoues girl in the world and you will fall in love with her the moment you see her. When your sad she will cheer you up and bring a smile on your face. She is determined to do anything she sets her mind too. She is super popular with many social friends. She never fights or starts drama she only wants to end it. She is the most loving girl in the world. She is very imaginitve along with all her friends mostly with Tv shows. She will never let you down. There is no other girl then her.

Person 1. Hey what you doing today

Person 2. Gonna go chill with rachel.

Person 1. Awwh your so lucky id do anything to hang out with her.

by itsmewhiterice August 7, 2011

120๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful (inside and out) girl with a passion for art. She is especially gifted in acting (especially if she's an Aquarius) and will be a star in all acting-related endeavors, though she does not crave attention and comes off as very humble. She is shy at first until you get to know her suddenly she's the funniest, kindest, most outgoing person. She has a great sense of style and guys always love her and her personality though are afraid to ask her out because she comes off as distant to those she isn't close to. She is usually multi-talented (i.e. acting, singing, writing, photography, etc.). Rachels make great friends and are always the life of the party!

Rachel is such a good person; she'll do anything for anyone.

by bulldogbunch July 3, 2011

155๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pretty girl who is funny and honest. every girl wants to be her <3 she is sometimes a bit shy but when you get to know her you realise she has a great personality :) !

pretty great honest funny rachel

by erin.x3 January 4, 2010

601๐Ÿ‘ 219๐Ÿ‘Ž