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Rasta Roulette

A game in which marijuana is smoked in a glass pipe and is passed in either clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation whereas the loser takes last puff, in which case is the resinated or "cashed" hit.

Ray: "This bowl is starting to taste poopy."
Marcus: "I hope I get a hit."
Paul: "Dude. Rasta Roulette."

by Gregory Hawk August 18, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pasta Rasta

Pasta Rasta is a white individual with dredlocks. The 'Pasta' does not come from a person's hair taking on the appearance of noodles, nor does it imply that the person is of Italian decent; rather, it comes from the root word paste, referring to the subject's pasty white skin.

Rasta comes from the root word Rastafarian...I'm not going to give you the entire Rastafarian Movement run down; if you don't know look it up. Pasta Rasta's know little, if anything, about the Rastafarian movement & culture and are usually just dirty hippies or street rats.

Pasty Rastafarian doesn't have a real nice ring to it so that is where you get the term Pasta Rasta.

The term originated sometime in the early 90's in the bay area where several Pasta Rasta's live and (some times) work (sometimes not so much, with the working and the whole "being a productive member of society" thing)

The smell of patchouli oil, poor choices, and body odor wafted over from the circle of Pasta Rastas beating their bongos in the park.

Since, for white people, the formation of true dreadlocks generally requires a sustained lack of personal grooming, the Pasta Rasta are at an attractiveness disadvantage from the get-go.

by Oneway Wu March 24, 2011

37๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

white rasta

A white rasta is a rasta born in a white mans body. Smoking the ganja, and growing dreds is the way in which they express there inner rastaness. Don't fear the white rasta, they are perfectly harmless, just aproach them and smile (they will share).

Dude, look at that crazy white rasta dance.

by Jamaican rasta numba 2 May 17, 2006

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Rasta Booty

When someone doesn't wipe enough so their booty hairs get tangled with doo doo and form dreadlocks.

Allan never wipes he has rasta booty.

by Saav Guy 80 July 25, 2016

rasta sex

referred to Rastafarian whom only have sex when it rains.

Mary-Jane and I had rasta sex all through that hurricane yesterday.

by LetsAllWakeUp November 26, 2015

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rasta crotch

An unfortunate occurrence that happens in both men and women. However, generally speaking, women are the most likely to be afflicted by this condition.Individuals with rasta crotch have extremely poor hygiene and grooming habits. Because of this lethal combination, their pubic hair becomes knotted and matted and will actually form dreadlocks.

I got that hippie chick's pants off and she had rasta crotch.

by My other ride is your mom April 3, 2006

48๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rasta Ride

To go with the flow. Live the Rasta Life style. Don't worry about a thing.

Tom: Woah did you meet that new kid pete?
Doug: Yeah bro, heard he Rasta Rides

by RastaRider12345 October 24, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž