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Giving or receiving

A versatile joke similar too that's what she said. Mostly used as a joke or as a insult towards a male. Maybe used toward females depending on the conversation.

"Man, last night was awesome. That blowjob was great."
"Giving or receiving?"

"Man, I sure love anal sex!"
"Giving or receiving?"

"My man sure is a freak, we stayed up all night doing anal."
"Were you giving or receiving!!!?"

by Capt.Rayban January 28, 2010

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Dick Receiver

Slang used for a human body part that a penis enters, whether it is vaginal, oral, or anal.

Man, quit backing up that dick receiver on me!

Keep running and maybe your dick receiver won't be as big.

by DirtyDancing January 20, 2009

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Well received

In 2020 "well received" became the approved formal reply in an email to replace the previously ubiquitous "got it" or "copy." As with most multi-syllabic pretentious-sounding corporate jargon, this reply indicates the recipient hates you, their job, this task you sent them, and wants nothing more than to pawn the task to the next shift. Friendly relationship exchanges continue to use text messaging and the term "got it" as this indicates a much more likely chance your request was indeed received and acknowledged. When "well received" is combined with "circle back" in the same email you have been secretly told to GFY.

This email is well received and I will circle back shortly to close the loop on this critical action item.

by MoreRooster March 20, 2022

boot is received

boot what is boot?!
It is cash

Okay why do we just call it cash? Because we don't want anyone to know what we're talking about. I guess back in the days the cowboys when they bought or sold a horse or a cow or something like that they took the cash and put it in their boot so boot and cash became synonymous.

The word boot is referred to as cash in accounting by accountants.
So in trade receivables when buying and selling those trades the word boot is used instead of cash so I've traded my old car to a building no boot is received no cash is received = no Gain.

by Goku-sa June 2, 2018

Wide Receiver

When a man is ramming a girl from behind, allow a massive amount of sperm to build up. When he is about to finally go he pulls out , smacks her on the ass, and yells "set hut, hut". The girl then gets up angrily and runs up the sideline and cuts middle where she then catches the release.

Aiming for the face will most likely leave it on the chest, which should be the main target for any passer.

As a result of a threesome, an interception may occur, take caution.

After the Saints lost last night, i gave my girlfriend the oh'l Wide Receiver

by bte123 January 10, 2011

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received pronunciation

The kind of pronunciation only 3% of the population in the UK produce (mainly those with great positions in the government or those who have studied in Cambridge/Oxford university). What the Queen Elizabeth speaks. Also known as RP.

Dude 1: Hey dude, I loathe listening to that freaking accent the Queen utters.
Dude 2: Yeah! It is what they call "Received Pronunciation", bruh!

by MuchPower November 1, 2017

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Dome Receivers

1. Intramural Football Team known for tearing up the field and receiving dome afterwards.

2. Slang for one who receives dome regularly.

"Man we have a game against the Dome Receivers tonight."

"He's a typical Dome Receiver."

by Arch-ie08Manning January 25, 2009

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