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crack rental

the loaning of ones transportation to a drug dealer after intense contract negotiations. Used when one requires more drugs than they had money for. Not for the married or those who don't own the car as it is never returned as there is no deadlines.

Man I've done spent my check. How will I get more crack? Hey Pookie look I ain't got no money, but how about a crack rental for a couple of rocks?

by rockrental allstar February 7, 2006

24đź‘Ť 7đź‘Ž

Rentally Metarded

Someone who is stupid, and who doesn't think before they act/speak. Spoonerism of "mentally retarded," and has come to mean someone who isn't retarded, but acts like it.

Dang, that kid just forgot his shoes. He's rentally metarded.

by Jizzle B. January 13, 2006

18đź‘Ť 5đź‘Ž

Rental Food

Any food that be can bought after midnight at the drive through or gas station. It tastes good now, but will wake you out of a sound sleep in a few hours.

After the party we grabbed some rental food, and that shit got me up 3 times this morning.

by heynow_1 July 30, 2009

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Cuban Rental

When you have the need for something that you will hardly use but your too cheap to buy it and renting it is not an option cause it still costs money. So you buy it on credit, use it, and when your done you break it on purpose so you can return it and say it was defective.

I wanted to change the tile in my bathroom and I did not have a tile cutter so I did a Cuban rental of one on Amazon.

by ElectricBob July 26, 2021

rock rental

n. an automobile loaned in exchange for crack cocaine.

This term has been especially common in New Orleans, Louisiana.

A synonym is "crack ride" or rent-a-rock.


1992 Joe Darby, Greg Thomas Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.) (Aug. 11) “West Bank School Football Star Pleads Guilty To Drug Charge” p. A1: The dropped public records charge stemmed from what Sheriff’s Office spokesman Capt. John Fortunato called a “rock rental,” where someone loans an automobile in exchange for a rock of cocaine.

1996 Michael Perlstein Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.) (May 30) “Probation A Safety Net Rife With Holes” p. A1: He admitted he was driving a “rock rental”—a car loaned to him in exchange for crack cocaine—when he rammed into another car.

1997 Louis Edwards N: A Novel (May) p. 52 @ (May, 1998): “A rock rental.…I gave somebody a rock and they let me borrow they car. Just for a day or so. Plus they owed me for another time.” “So you deal crack.”

1998 WGNO-TV @ New Orleans, La. (Video Monitoring Services of America) (Nov. 11) “Television”: C. Hearn Taylor, Juvenile Judge, said there are rock rentals where you can get a gun for a rock.

2005 TCPalm.com (Stuart, Florida) (Sept. 28) “Police recover car allegedly used in drive-by shooting” (in Fort Pierce): Police also arrested Richard LaWayne Simmons, 18, of the 1200 block of McCray Court in Fort Pierce for allegedly stealing the car through a practice known as a “rock rental.” According to a police report, Simmons arranged to “borrow” the dark blue 1998 Acura for an hour Thursday night in exchange for crack-cocaine.

by urban1dict January 10, 2010

5đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž

Low Rental

Any person who meets one or more of these requirements:

1) Living in housing with a low rental payment.
2) Wearing those crappy Starter jackets/shirts/hats of the following teams: Miami Dolphins, NY Giants, Phonix Suns, Hartford Whalers, etc.
3)Listening to tapes of Chumbawumba
4)Living in the low rental section of Canning (even if you don't live in low rental housing)
5)Eating Chester Fried Chicken on a regular basis
6) Enjoying NASCAR and/or WWE

*Note* (The salutaion of the low rental is the coveted middle finger)

"Those friggin' low rentals were trying to eat my garbage again!"
"Don't go up on Cavel St. man! Thats low rental territory!!"

by Bent Himself June 17, 2003

27đź‘Ť 16đź‘Ž

Rental girlfriend

A woman you do girlfriendy things with only on occasion, or for a knowingly shortnded period of time, usually with no intent of a further relationship, aka no strings. These girlfriendy things work for both people, as they now have a date for an event, and likely a good time after the party!

Man, did you see "Up in the Air" with George Clooney, he thought he had a rental girlfriend!

You going up to see that rental girlfriend, Ronni? Sucks you have to wear a suite though, maybe go for a romp in the sack before she heads back to SD?

by TheFishface April 28, 2010

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