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file review

A term used when you stalk someone on a social media website.

I'll need to do a complete file review on her before I ask her out.

by Creamy Ice September 20, 2013

beer review

Peer review is the process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field. In reality it is more often the beer review taking place: When you know the editor of the scientific journal on a personal basis, you just drink a beer with her/him to get your article published.

I prefer beer review to peer review... drink a beer with the editor...

by arentweallbrian March 31, 2010

Minturnal Review

Compulsively masturbating in the bathroom at work.

1) Gene has been giving the latest issue of SWANK the Minturnal Review for over 45 minutes.
2) This is an interesting proposal I will give it a Minturnal Review this afternoon.

by sgt. roy batty February 17, 2016

document review

A position for attorneys that is not as good as being a BigLaw Associate or a federal court clerk, but is infinitely better and more interesting than working in insurance defense. Pays better, too.

BigLaw is Heaven.
Document review is Purgatory.
Insurance defense is the 7th Circle of Hell.

by Akshen July 8, 2006

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Performance Review

A process where some cunt you're forced to spend far too much time with sits you down and wastes an hour of your life every year telling you how wonderful they are and how rubbish you are in order to justify their own meaningless existence and make them feel powerful.

The degree of shit you'll receive generally depends on how well you've covered up the cunt's mistakes over the year and also depends on how brown your tongue is from ass licking over the year.

To be treated with utter contempt unless you are a brown tongued ass licker in which case you can fuck off. PS your colleagues hate you.

Manager: It's time for your Performance Review

Employee: Woo! I can't wait for this valuable loopback session!

Fast forward for an hour:

Manager: So in summary, you've met all of your objectives all year and been a key member of the team. We're not giving you a pay award however as you've had a haircut that was outside of our dress code and appearance policy and took a day off when your father died and expected to be paid for it.

by HR_Advisory January 3, 2012

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osw review

*A Sound from the back to the future* Hello and welcome to OSW The Old School Wrestling Podcast filmed in glorious grapplevision and procedded in Blast Processing we chronologically critic Wrestling storylines Pay Per View by Pay Per View this is your host YOUR BOOYY Jay Hunter joined as ever with Mr. OOC (OOC Says something) and V1 (V1 Says something) ITS Insert Wrestling show here And its coming up right now...

Jay: Welcome Noggers!!

(Just saying OSW Review)

Everyone: Happy Days are here again

Jay: How did come? Lets show you...

by YABOYJayHunter February 4, 2016

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meme review

a thing where pewds reviews memes

pewds uploaded a meme review video

by chimmypoo December 13, 2018

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