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WOW, a real life pony!

Rainbows and friendship.....NOPE (YEET) (Rose is not a 🌹)

by Dank Boy [YT] September 24, 2019


Rose is my best friend. You can never get sick of her. She is funny ,kind , caring and special. Rose is goofy and very intelligent. Rose is extremely beautiful but doesn't care about that. Never let down Rose, she's not worth losing.

Rose is one of. the most amazing people that I have met.

by idkybut November 23, 2019

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Rose is a girl who is extremely kind,rather sporty and incredible beautiful. At first she will be very shy but if you get her out her she’ll it will be worth it!

She will be scared to go into plays at school and she will want to do everything when she is older. All the boys will be lucky if they go to the same school as her.


by Ella_bell July 12, 2019

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


n. a term used in Florida (at least), and usually in convenience store type settings, for the 4 inch long glass tube that features a tiny plastic rose inside but is known by all, including the authorities, to really be intended for use as a crack cocaine smoking pipe. (A Tampa newscaster recently shocked many by presenting an expose on the sale of "roses" from behind the counters of several small grocery stores!)

Yeah, whattup Fergie! Give me two packsa Kool cancers and 3 roses, k bro?

by galcoolest March 10, 2005

184πŸ‘ 173πŸ‘Ž


/wΙ” /dΙ›/ti /
1. A girl who think she's the skankiest skank in all the land, but in reality, she's too nice.
When in a good mood, attention will undoubtedly be averted to one of her très belle features, most likely being her toned baby biceps.
2. The absolute plug when it comes to literature, movies, knowledge, advice and everything
3. Conforms and subverts the literal meaning, but a babe nonetheless

1: Who on earth is anywhere close to being an absolute babe?
2: Rose, ofc

by DickWhisperer May 9, 2017

12πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Usually shy but when u get to talk to her she always lough bak very attractive

Person. Oh err... hi rose
Rose . Shut the he'll up

by Pete co July 19, 2018

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Bean, you are a bean

β€œIs that a rose”
β€œNo thats a bean”

by LunaTheReaper April 27, 2022

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