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rumor whore

A person who let's rumors get to their minds fucking them up and then slamming them into a climax. Mainly applicable to girls (sorry).

James: Oh my god. Katherine screamed her head off at me because somebody told her that I like all of her friends. So now she thinks I like her friends
Brad: She is such a rumor whore because all she does is let rumor's take her away and slam her into a climax

by Thugnificent Sloth Inc. May 16, 2010

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Mac Rumors

False accusations against Macintosh and Apple that uneducated windows users tell to other computer illiterate in efforts to prevent Macintosh from gaining more market share. These things are also said to make Mac users feel dumb, stupid, bad, or snobby. These rumors include but are not limited to:

Macintosh is overpriced/expensive
Macintosh is not compatible with anything that Apple didn't make.
Macintosh computers cannot run games.
Macintosh is less secure.
Macintosh locks you in to using only Apple products
Macintosh does not have any good programs.

None of these rumors are true, and all can be disproved with just a little research. Still, most computer users are too illiterate or stupid to figure anything out for themselves. These users make up 70% of Windows users who are only looking for a cheap computer, resulting in unfair game for Microshit.

Guy1: Once I stopped listening to all the Mac rumors and bought one for myself, I was the happiest computer user on earth.

Guy2: I told you that your other friends have no idea what they're talking about.

Guy1: I know. Thank you so much, I'll never put up with Microshit again.

by KT JDDD January 23, 2011

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Rumors Cocktail Lounge

The best bar in Show Low AZ that was eventually replaced by a garbage bar that completely ruined the entire place.

Rumors Cocktail Lounge was a nice place

by Pugs_R_Us March 21, 2022

Rumor Rape

When a man/woman tells friends that they hooked up with another people (with-out consent) when the man/woman actually never has.

John Doe keeps telling his friends we slept together when I have never even met the guy... I feel like i'm being rumor raped

by ElylA January 28, 2016

Stop Spreadin' Those Rumors

A cartoon song from the disney show The Proud Family. The song is now a tiktok trend for telling people bad rumors.

Trump supporters when you bring up trump's endless amount of sexual assault and misconduct allegations, @stop spreadin' those rumors around

by inotstupid January 1, 2021

Rumor Plume

When a person has had notoriety or fame with a negative connotation, and new people can have pre-formed opinions about that person's integrity or behavior.

Her husband is a white collar felon. She has a Rumor Plume following her to the next chapter of her life.

by Mamahipster December 22, 2011

National Start A Rumor About A Stupid Bitch Day!

National Start A Rumor About A Stupid Bitch day starts on November 28th, aka 11/28! It means, if you find out something about someone, you can spread it around if you really hate them!

Person 1: I just found out that ___ did has a crush on your boyfriend!

Person 2: Iโ€™m telling everyone!

Person 1: wait, why?

Person 2: because itโ€™s National start a Rumor About a stupid bitch day!

Person 1: oh, okay! Iโ€™ll start one about her as well!

by bemo! November 22, 2021