Source Code


Something you yell out to a power weapon whore in any FPS after you've owned them with one SMG.

P1: Come here and taste my SMG!
P2: Fuck that i have a rocket launcher!
*P2 fires rockets and misses*
*P1 Kills P2 with a single SMG*
P1: SMG BITCH! *Teabags*

by Tahmer July 29, 2006

66๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž

Smg Dump

When take a dump,But its really fast

Tony:That indian food gave me a Smg Dump

by ASonora October 6, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Swag master General (aka SmG)

having far more swag than anyone else, you're the best of the best, no one else in the world compares

hey have you seen nicky c?

who is that

you know the swag master general (aka SmG)

by SmG leader January 9, 2014

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

tactical smg

A tactical smg is a gun in fortnight

Yo bro I just picked up a tactical smg

by Like and subscribe (jack JOBB) June 6, 2018


Sub Machine Gun

Uzi is one of the most lethal SMG.

by Spidergoblin November 22, 2021


Its an automatic submachinegun

Granade inbount!
Ill use mij SMG to disctact them!

by Ibrahim taou November 22, 2021


The school that you DON'T want to go to.

Oh, he goes to SMGS...he must be reta**ed or something

by alugas783 September 16, 2022